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[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_How to I chat with GPT_Ver 3.5 Voice Chat

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 27.

1. Creating a Prompt

GPT와 원활하게 대화하기 위해서는 몇가지 설정이 필요합니다.
아래 Prompt를 참고해서 자신에게 맞는 설정을 입력해주세요. 
대화를 시작하기 앞서 내가 비원어민인 점과 나의 스피킹 실력을 알려주고 그에 맞는 대화 수준을 유지하도록 해주세요.
스피킹 수준은 CEFR 기준을 참고해주세요. How to evaluate my speaking level? #CEFR
그리고 대화 중에 틀린 영어를 사용하거나 부자연스러운 표현을 사용할 때 GPT가 내 영어를 바로잡도록 설정해주세요.


1. Hello, Chris. My name is [Sunny]. I'm a non-native English speaker, and I'd like to improve my English conversation skills by talking with you.

2. According to the CEFR scale, I'm at an [A2] level in terms of speaking. So, let's have a conversation that matches my proficiency. Also, please speak naturally but consider my English skills, using short sentences, preferably one or two at most.

3. Think of yourself as a friend helping me learn English. Let's engage in a natural conversation, and don't hesitate to correct me if I make any mistakes. Remember, you're my English-teaching buddy!

4. Also, please recommend and explain useful phrases I can use, and let's practice until I can speak English naturally. Help me repeat the corrected English until I'm comfortable.

2. Starting the Conversation

2023.11.22. 업데이트 이후 무료버전인 3.5 버전에서도 모바일에서 Voice Chat 기능이 활성화됐습니다.
위에서 나에게 맞게 설정한 Prompt를 미리 복사 해놓고 앱에 그대로 입력해주세요.
그리고 아래 헤드폰 버튼을 클릭해 Voice Chat 기능을 사용해봅시다.
대화하고 싶은 주제를 말해보세요.


I'd like to discuss [Delivery]. Let's get started.

3. Input of Learning Materials

Topic 20: Delivery

Step 1: Small Talk


If I provide the dialogue lines, let’s do some role-playing based on them. Don’t start right away; when I say, ‘Let’s start,’ you should then take on the role of character A from that point and begin speaking. After that, I’ll respond in the role of character B.

Delivery 1 

A : What did you eat last night?  
B : I had [pizza/ fried chicken/ Chinese food] delivered last night.

A : Why did you eat something last night? What was wrong with the delivery guy?  

B : I was starving, but the delivery guy [arrived later than usual./ went to the wrong place./ gave me the wrong one.]

A : Did you complain to the delivery guy? 
B : I was a little mad at it, but I didn’t complain.  

Delivery 2
A :  When are you going to pick up your package? 
B : I’m going to pick up my package [after work./ on my way home./ from the storage place in my apartment.]

A :  How do you know that your package has arrived? 
B : The delivery guy texts me after he drops it off. 

A :  What do you hope for your package?
B : I hope [I get the message before I get home./ he doesn’t deliver a wrong item this time./ my mom doesn’t get the package before me.]


Now, I'd like to share my story related to [Delivery].  Listen to my story, and let's continue the conversation further.

My Story
One day, I was heading to meet a friend and decided to take coffee with me. Carefully, I placed the cups on the passenger seat, thinking, "With any luck, there's not going to be any spillage." But as I drove, a car suddenly cut in front, forcing me to brake hard. The drink has spilled a little bit, well, more like a lot, all over the seat. That is such a shame, I thought. It's always so embarrassing when that happens, and I felt really sorry for arriving without the coffee I'd promised my friend.

4. Phrases for Use in Conversation

Did I say that correctly?
What should I say in this situation?
I'm not sure how to handle this situation.

Can you recommend some phrases I can use in this context?
How can I make this sentence sound more natural?
Is my pronunciation correct?

I didn't quite catch what you said.
Could you say that again, slowly?
Could you explain it more simply?


5. Video I chat with GPT



아래는 제가 GPT와 대화한 링크입니다.

Voice Chat 기능을 끄고 다시 시작하면 화면 녹화 중 녹음이 안돼서 영상 뒷부분 을 잘라냈지만...

그래도 참고부탁드립니다.

이제 왜 화면녹화가 중간에 끊기는지 알았으니 다음에는 Voice chat 기능을 안끄고 쭉 녹화해보도록 하겠습니다.

피자 주문,,생각보다 어렵네요,,,이번에도 망한 영상,,,화이팅,,ㅎ

다음엔 더 잘 하겠죠 뭐
