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GPT 영어회화 YouTube Chat gpt Voice Chat 챗지피티 음성대화 프롬프트 prompt 명령어 studying abroad home Meeting up with friends Hospitals Fitness Center when it comes to housework Libraries TV shows repairs studying interest rates Drinking along with Private Equity Jobs hiking Sleeping COMPUTER SHOPPING Pets Family Musical Coffee Beach dating SNS health music school festival Chat GPT 영어회화 Prompt I can already see the change Waking up to find Say yes to new experiences Might lead me to interesting places Build connections The best part is Give you a lot of opportunities Move forward Have enough space Take a look inside Opportunistic Value-Add Core Plus A bunch of It prevents ~ from ~ It comes in Things I always bring with me It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas I was the perfect age when the movie came out I still laugh out loud every time I watch it Whatching Movies trying to get some vegan gains The reason I like it Here's my favorite restaurant I like to go to These plans will cover that's where ~ comes in never expect the worst to happen to For on the go they were thin and brittle My nails are destroyed a load a day keeps the piles away sets the tone for the entire day try to make mine first thing in the morning keep a clean home I'm focused on clear my mind this mindset is going to be useful for my life It works almost all the body what the future holds access to equitable transportation affordable housing how cities develop and function over time I've always been one of those I naturally get distracted I make it a habit That way Take a book that I really like The moment there is a book a lot of temptations along the way keep me on track during the trip to pick up some snacks takes place between have credited used for people learning English keep a consistent bedtime and wake up schedule mess up my circadian rhythm 말하는종합청취 easy to spot having the most fun At some point in my life demanding the center place for my life get paid for have a career Do I really need it? They had what I wanted This is what I was looking for Ran out of mental health should not be overlooked self-examinations for changes in my body protect against several diseases depending on your age and gender early detection of potential health issues Regular medical check-ups It's best to in place of prevent slips and falls Flash my screen Press and hold Stuck on a black screen What I'm doing isn't working Think about it a little bit deeper It kind of makes sense Where do I get wrong On a regular basis Puffing up Dull the senses Hangover symptoms Feeling energized I highly recommend visiting this There's a lot of rare books over here It belonged to This is known as one of the most We laughed and we cried the entire audience was riveted throughout the show While that run time may seem long This was my ~ time seeing the show Enjoy this all summer long by comparison all the way to the top room temperature water Let's get you making some will start to sort of solve itself here it goes take the fun out of it best-kept secrets for solving cheapest quality I've ever seen I can't believe how good the quality is let me check you should look up the reviews before you buy that add it to the cart and buy this thing going through kick it back stay focus pull up some music my confidence and my enjoyment of the game skyrocket I feel myself improving I have to get it down into muscle memory by playing a lot tennis is just a repetitive sport I keep practicing and drilling have some exhausting nights and very long days cover multiple facets of our business the investor is essentially vetting These meetings typically take a large part of the day have a diligence meeting with a investor go through emails and my to-do list for the day have too much access to too many people something else is around the corner looking for the best thing be exposed to natural transition the law doesn't take effect removable and replaceable running in a hurry tasted like childhood top it off go with ~ on top of that moderate to heavy precipitation rumbles of thunder start off with some showers we have safely made it Show our ticket and hop on Do a price comparison comes out to ~ It comes up to ~ Just take the first step Share knowledge and don't hold back Wear your hard-earned scars with pride Have a wealth of experience Let ~ in on a little secret I then headed to campus for a packed day which was the perfect start to the day I was craving a side bowl takes a cut I added extra pizzazz turning ~ into ~ be going to have a brief look at holiday is followed by the weekend holidays is approaching It's a chance for me to get me time Turn off my brain Watching Movies Proud moment Made me sob Blew my brains out Struck out to me Open up even more than someone already have All the times A big deal Take my word making it all up Counting on Set to be on the market Domestic tasks Give a glimpse Keep it up Get onto Keep it off Get in better shape It's based on have to work on It all comes down to Keep that in mind Now's a good time to mention A lot has happened Glimpse into Intimate and close-up Caught up with Moving on to Calming scent Pleasant temperature Get rid of Sounds familiar First time trying Chilled out Made it to my place Catch my flight Willing to match the job description Skills and qualities industrious Describe myself I love the finish Speak to you Standing out to me Paying it forward Giving back During their darkest hours Brighten someone's day Comforting someone throwing that out slowing me down camaraderie at least I'm not the only one give myself plenty of time That's necessarily the case Making the rounds The only thing that I would say Adds up to a lot of time Now all I have to do By turning ~ into ~ I'll go over Strategy to use for folks Working well or not well Be a part of that journey with someone Cut back on Overdue books Cracking down It's not gonna be anything How much that comes to? Take out a book Be down there Now is the time If nothing else Right off the bat Never crossed my mind Up until Perk me up take in breathtaking scenery soak up the sun gently lapping the shore stretch of powdery white sand the heart of Boracay's allure Ended up with Instantly regretted Searching for deals Reading reviews Comparing products Like-minded people The culture behind it I really dig The thrill of the hunt down the line is some tough stuff leading him on feeling the chemistry got great qualities good looking trending big time dumb phone trying them out unplug from smartphones on smartphone detox which is why boost my work prospects reach new heights cram belongings be quite challenging speaking level evaluate 2% rate maintaining house subscription system growth potential credit structure Loan structure unequal tax breaks secondary residences skyscrapers Billionaires’ Row employment data wage growth prop tech affordability GP Stakes investing alternative strategies individual investors Debt ceiling issues Fund Structure distribution waterfall fund organization loan to cost loan to value real estate investments market opportunities quality offices high vacancies Project Finance keep me company underlying Corporate Finance financial freedom Risk Tolerance at all costs household chores ChatGPT 연태흠 go through set in in search of at times carry out uncertainty CEFR 2024 as long as as well as Can't Wait For Take a nap go ahead go out with Labor Market profit sharing Jacked all the way daily life Face To Face hierarchy Governance Bring It Back ESG needless to say apparently Innovative REITs Too Good To Be True mortgage real estate challenges Environmental public transportation stocks Smart Phone internet shopping online shopping inflation 주택청약 Krabi Restaurants LTC Voila By The Way Traveling Restaurant Weather Flexible PE English Diary mutual fund fit Books 해커스 POST i get it LTV Work Mocking pf rely on 부동산투자 Strategy core 영어일기 hedge fund Federal reserve investment Social food 20s smartphone Game