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[December 2023] Day 5 Topic : Hiking

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 6.

[December 2023]
Day 5 Topic : Hiking
Title : Early season hiking -- tips and tricks to stay warm, healthy, and happy.
Link : https://youtu.be/BjlOB9_33fc?si=i16MCTgPSUXlNszW


  1. Script
    Another tree on the trail, should we go over, under, or around? Early season hiking isn't always easy, but the challenges can be worth it to get out on the trail. Gone under, we allow ourselves extra time because Trail Crews may not have had a chance to get out and clear obstacles. Snow may linger in the mountains even months after it's melted from lower elevations, so we carry micro spikes for added traction. Melting snow can mean cold and wet feet, so we wear waterproof socks to keep our feet warm and dry. Melting snow also means high rivers and streams. We leave our shoes on for added traction and in deeper crossings we unbuckle our packs in case we fall in. We make sure to bring layers and rain gear because springtime weather can be variable. If the temps drop below freezing overnight, we sleep with our hollow fiber water filters in our sleeping bags because they'll break if they freeze. Regardless of the temperature, we always stay hydrated and, of course, don't forget sunscreen.

  2. Expression
    • Should we go over, under, or around?: This question is about choosing the best way to navigate an obstacle.
    • Challenges can be worth it: Suggests that the difficulties faced in an activity can be rewarding.
    • Allow ourselves extra time: Means to plan for more time than usual to accommodate unexpected situations.
    • Linger in the mountains: Refers to something remaining in a place longer than expected, in this case, snow.
    • Added traction: Extra grip or stability, especially useful in slippery conditions.
    • Unbuckle our packs: To unfasten the buckles of backpacks, a safety measure in certain situations.
    • Springtime weather can be variable: Indicates that weather during spring can change unpredictably.
    • Stay hydrated: To maintain a good level of water intake for health and performance.

  3. My Story
    On our hike, we found lots of snow on the mountain. The path was steep and slippery. We had to choose: go up the hard way or take an easier, flat path. We picked the easier way. We walked slower because of the snow and used special spikes on our shoes for grip. The flat path was safer with the cold, changing weather. We wore special socks to keep our feet dry and warm. We also drank plenty of water and used sunscreen. This choice made our hike safe and fun.