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[January 2024] Day 7 Topic : Public Transportation

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 7.

[January 2024]
Day 7 Topic : Public Transportation
Title :  Seoul to offer unlimited public transportation pass from next year
Link : https://youtu.be/J1ELuNBQwNo?si=GN7ioA1clutryr2e


1.    Script

So, our Metropolitan government announced on Monday that a public transportation pass, a so-called 'climate card', will be available from January next year for a monthly payment of 65,000 Korean Won, which is around 49 US Dollars. The card will offer unlimited travel within the metropolitan area. A pilot project will take place from January through May 2024, with actual implementation scheduled for the second half of next year. The pass can be used to pay for modes of transport within the Seoul region that operate with a basic charge, including subways, buses, and public bikes. It is expected to alleviate residents' economic burden amid rising public transportation costs and contribute to dealing with climate change by encouraging more people to use public transport.


2.    Expression

  • public transportation pass: A ticket or card that allows unlimited travel on public transport within a specified area for a certain period.
  • climate card: A special type of transportation pass designed to promote environmentally friendly commuting.
  • pilot project: A preliminary small-scale experiment or set of observations conducted to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, risk, and adverse events.
  • actual implementation: The process of putting a plan or decision into effect.
  • economic burden: The financial strain or stress placed on an individual or group.
  • dealing with climate change: The act of taking steps to prevent or mitigate the effects of global climate alterations.


3.    My Story
I was really pleased when our government in Seoul announced the new 'climate card'. For just 65,000 Korean Won a month, this public transportation pass means I can travel unlimitedly on buses, subways, and public bikes. Starting as a pilot project this January, it's a practical move to reduce the economic burden of rising transport costs. Plus, it's a step towards dealing with climate change. By encouraging more of us to use public transport, we're collectively reducing our carbon footprint. It feels good to be part of a city that's thinking ahead and making environmentally responsible choices accessible to everyone.