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[Chat GPT] GPT 영어회화_New Year's resolution

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 7.


Let's do some role-playing. You and I are very close friends, and we are chatting about New Year's resolution. So, randomly set a New Year's resolution for yourself, and let's have a conversation.
Sure, let's get into character! Well, one of my New Year's resolutions is to read more books. I want to expand my knowledge and discover some new stories. What about you? Do you have any resolutions in mind?
Yeah, I have. My New Year's resolution is to improve my English skills.
That's a fantastic resolution! Improving your English skills can open up so many opportunities. How do you plan to work on it? Are you thinking of taking classes or practicing in any specific way?
Yeah, I already took an English class in the morning, and then I decided to set some times for speaking and listening English.
That sounds like a great plan! Regular practice is key to improving any language skill. Are you using any specific resources or apps for speaking and listening practice, or do you have any friends who can help you with conversation?
I'm using an app is GPT to improve my English skill, then how about your New Year's resolution?
Good question! For my resolution to read more books, I plan to use e-books and audiobooks to make it easier to access a wide range of literature. I'll set aside some time each day to dive into different genres. Do you have any book recommendations for me? And speaking of English, is there a particular aspect you want to focus on, like accent reduction or vocabulary expansion?
Yeah, I also use e-books and paper books. And then I'm reading a book. The name is The Creative Acts. This is written by Rick Rubin. Did you hear about Rick Rubin?
Yes, I'm familiar with Rick Rubin! He's a well-known record producer and music industry icon. It's interesting that he's written a book called "The Creative Acts." How are you finding the book so far? Is it inspiring you in any way?
It is bestseller in Kyobo. Then, how about we share our progress with our New Year's resolution to track our goal?
That's a fantastic idea! Sharing our progress can help keep us motivated and accountable. We can discuss our achievements and challenges along the way. It'll be a fun way to support each other in reaching our New Year's resolutions. So, how about we set up a regular check-in schedule? How often would you like to share updates?
Let's check in with our progress every month.
Sounds good! We'll check in every month to share our progress on our New Year's resolutions. I'll be looking forward to hearing about your English improvement, and I'll keep you posted on how my reading goal is going. If you ever need any tips or motivation, feel free to reach out. Here's to a successful year of achieving our resolutions! 🎉
Yeah, I'm also looking forward to it. And then I hope we will see how much progress we've made, our goal.
Absolutely! It's going to be exciting to see how much progress we make towards our goals throughout the year. Let's support each other and celebrate our achievements along the way. If you ever want to discuss anything else or just have a chat, I'm here for you as your close friend. 😊

[January 2024]
Today's Topic : New Year's resolution
Title :  Gearing up for 2024, how to maintain resolutions into the new year
Link : https://youtu.be/j49nN8eIfWc?si=innt1dUiM2Pr_uOz

1.    Script

2023 means it's time to think about New Year's resolutions for 2024. Yeah, and if you've been known to quickly give up on the goals you set at the beginning of each year, ABC's Reena Roy has tips that could help you stick with them. As we ring in the New Year, people will be making New Year's resolutions, but many times they're difficult to keep. We find out that February is a time that most resolutions are dropped. Psychiatrist Dr. Dion Meer says that you're more likely to achieve your resolution if you don't overshoot what you can accomplish. "I got my new organizer, I got my treadmill, okay life is going to change completely," and that's just not reality. So, if you are a person who was not active and now you have a New Year's resolution to run four days a week, that's not attainable. "How about we walk two days a week? Keep it simple." One time I had a person whose resolution was to simply fold laundry on the same day that they do it - simple, and that might seem like a really small task, but not for everybody. And focus on just one goal: if somebody's resolution is to get physically healthier, they may say, "Okay, I'm going to work out three times a week and I'm not going to eat fried foods." We should just focus on one. The brain responds better when we're trying to change habits one at a time. Once you set your resolution, Dr. Meer says to prepare for potential obstacles. "Nothing is just a straight path, smooth journey. There are going to be times that you may not make the progress you want to. If you predict your obstacles, you'll be able to prepare for success." And consider teaming up with a friend. Having a buddy and a check-in system, "Alright, how'd you do this week?" Just having that accountability leads to positive results. Dr. Meer says if you feel ready to give up, remember it's not all or nothing. "Don't give up just yet, don't be discouraged. What I want them to do is actually reflect back, you kind of look at it through a different lens or you realize, okay, you know what, I am making a positive change even though it's not exactly what I thought, but it is a positive change." Reena Roy, ABC News, New York. "You know, I can relate to that because yesterday, you with Dr. Meer mentioned someone made a resolution to fold and put away their laundry on the same day they actually did it, and yesterday I did that. Oh, I did a bunch of laundry and I folded it, and I nicely put it away in my dresser, my closet, and I was like, pat on the back. We can tell. So yeah, I know, is it evident today? Is it? No, that's me as well, a lot. I don't know, I think we just kind of take one day at a time, exactly, maybe a week at a time, and set those goals out, and maybe sometimes it is easier said than done. I mean, you can say, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? That's the real question.

2.    Expression

  • New Year's resolutions: Goals or commitments people make for the new year to improve their lives.
  • overshoot what you can accomplish: Setting goals that are too ambitious or unrealistic.
  • keep it simple: To make something easy and not overly complicated.
  • focus on just one goal: Concentrating on achieving a single objective at a time.
  • prepare for potential obstacles: Anticipating and planning for challenges that may arise.
  • teaming up with a friend: Collaborating with someone else to achieve a goal.
  • not all or nothing: The idea that partial success or progress is still valuable, even if the ultimate goal isn't fully achieved.
  • walk the walk: To actually do what one talks about or promises.

3.    My Story
This year, I set two New Year's resolutions: to improve my English and to develop healthier habits. Following news's advice, I decided to keep it simple. For English, I dedicated a few hours each week to practice, and for health, I made small changes in my daily routine. I teamed up with a friend for both goals, which helped us stay on track and accountable. We faced challenges but remembered it's not all or nothing. Every small step counted, proving that it's about walking the walk, not just talking the talk. This approach led to real progress in both my English skills and healthier living by year's end.