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Chat GPT 영어회화/Chat GPT_Small Talk

[February 2024] GPT 영어회화_Unit 3 Studying

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 2.



 Small Talk 

My English is not good, so I’m taking an English class.
Now, I’m having a hard time catching up with others.
But, I hope my English gets better soon.

I signed up for an English speaking class today.
I promised to myself that I will not miss any class.
I want to improve my English for my future career.

1. Is your English good?
2. What are you doing for your English?
3. Do you have any problem taking your English class?
4. What do you hope for your English class?

1. What class did you sign up for?
2. What did you promise to yourself for the class?
3. What do you want from the class?


I'd like to share my studying experience.

Of course! I'm here to listen. Please go ahead and share your studying experience.

Last year, I traveled to L.A. and I felt my English is not good. So, it has motivated me to start studying English. So, every weekday, I attend an English class in the morning. And I hope my English gets better soon. I want to improve my English.

That's great to hear! Traveling to L.A. and feeling motivated to improve your English is a fantastic reason to start studying. Attending English classes on weekdays is a dedicated way to work on it. Keep it up, and I'm sure your English will improve soon! Is there anything specific about your studying experience that you'd like to share or discuss?

Could you summarize my experience?

Certainly! Last year, you visited L.A. and realized your English needed improvement, which motivated you to start studying. You attend English classes every weekday morning to work on your skills and hope to see progress soon.

I visited LA last year and I realized my English is needed to improve and it's motivated me to start studying. So I attend English class every weekday morning to improve my English skills.

Thank you for the summary! It seems like you had a valuable experience in L.A. that inspired you to start studying English. Attending English classes every weekday is a dedicated effort to improve your skills. Keep up the good work! If you have any questions or want to share more, feel free to do so.

So to practice Q&A, I will give you some questions about my studying experience. So here are, first, is your English good? Second, what are you doing for your English? Third, what do you hope for your English class? Then give me the question that I gave you one by one so that I can answer to this question.

Sure, let's practice Q&A! Here are your questions one by one:
Is your English good?
What are you doing for your English?
What do you hope for your English class?
Feel free to answer each question in turn!

Please give me the first.

Certainly! Here's the first question:
Is your English good?

Not actually. My English is not good. I went to LA last year, and I realized my English is needed to improve.

Thank you for sharing! Your response is clear: your English isn't very good, and the trip to L.A. made you realize the need for improvement. Now, let's move on to the second question:
What are you doing for your English?

For my English, I'm attending an English class every weekday morning, and I also do Ringo twice.

That's great to hear about your efforts! You attend English classes every weekday morning, and you also practice Ringo twice. Now, onto the third question:
What do you hope for your English class?

I want to improve my English through my English class, and I want to improve my English skills further, so one day I hope I will speak English with confidence.

That's a wonderful goal! You aim to improve your English through your classes and further develop your skills to eventually speak English with confidence. It sounds like you're on the right track to achieving that. If you have any more questions or want to share anything else, feel free to let me know!

I aim to improve my English through my English classes, so I hope I eventually speak English with confidence. Thank you for giving your advice and encouragement. Then please give me two more simple questions.

You're very welcome! I'm here to help and encourage you. Here are two more simple questions:
How often do you practice English with others?
Have you noticed any improvements in your English skills recently?

First off, I will answer the first question. I'm attending an English class every weekdays, so five times a week I'm attending an English class and I'm practicing English through the class and also through the ChatGPT. I'm attending an English class every weekdays, so five times a week I'm attending an English class and also through the ChatGPT.

That's a dedicated approach to practicing English! Attending classes five times a week and using ChatGPT for practice is excellent. Now, let's move on to the second question:
Have you noticed any improvements in your English skills recently?

Yeah, I have noticed my improvement in fluency a little. Before starting studying English, I'm not good at speaking English with fluency. But now, I feel better than that.

That's fantastic to hear! It's great that you've noticed an improvement in your fluency. Progress like that shows your hard work is paying off. Keep up the good work, and you'll continue to see even more improvements. If you have any more questions or want to share anything else, feel free to do so!

So wrap up our dialogue. Could you give me some feedback to improve my English skills or having a fluency?

Of course! To improve your English skills and fluency, here are a few tips:
Continue attending your English classes regularly, as consistent practice is key.
Try to engage in conversations with native speakers or fellow English learners to apply what you've learned.
Expand your vocabulary by reading books, articles, or watching movies and TV shows in English.
Practice speaking and listening as much as possible to build confidence.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they are part of the learning process.
Keep up your dedication and practice, and you'll see steady improvement in your English skills and fluency. If you ever have more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your English learning journey!