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Chat GPT 영어회화/Chat GPT_Sitcom

[February 2024] Sitcom_Unit 3

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 2.




Sitcom 3

Ask me what I think of Nora

A: "최근에 과장님에 대해서 어떻게 생각해?"
B: "좋기도 하고 나쁘기도 한데. 때로는 기분이 좋으실 때도 있고, 때로는 또 안그래."
A: "알아. 일관성이 없으면 짜증이 나지."
B: "맞아! 과장님이랑 있으면 극과 극을 오간다니까."
A: "구체적으로 어떤 일이 있었어?"
B: "특별한 건 없어. 그냥 과장님이 일관성을 유지하셨으면 좋겠어."

A: "What do you think of the boss lately?"
B: "I have mixed feelings. Sometimes in a good mood, other times not so much."
A: "I get it. Inconsistency can be frustrating."
B: "Exactly! It's like a roller coaster with her."
A: "Anything specific happened?"
B: "Nothing major. I just hope she stays consistent."


1. What do you think of the boss lately?
2. Why do you have mixed feelings?
3. How do you feel about her inconsistency?
4. What is it like to work with her?
5. Was there any specific incident regarding her inconsistency?
7. What do you hope for her?

I'd like to practice an English dialogue, so could you read the English part of the dialogue that I gave you?


Of course! I'd be happy to help you practice. Here's the English part of the dialogue:
A: "What do you think of the boss lately?"
B: "I have mixed feelings. Sometimes in a good mood, other times not so much."
A: "I get it. Inconsistency can be frustrating."
B: "Exactly! It's like a roller coaster with her."
A: "Anything specific happened?"
B: "Nothing major. I just hope she stays consistent."
Feel free to respond or continue with the practice as you'd like!

Then please assume person A is my coworker and person B is me. Then please summarize this dialogue.



Certainly! In this dialogue, your coworker (Person A) asks you about your thoughts on your boss lately. You (Person B) express that you have mixed feelings because your boss's mood and behavior vary, sometimes good and sometimes not. You both agree that this inconsistency can be frustrating, but you couldn't pinpoint any specific incidents causing it. Your hope is for your boss to become more consistent in her actions and attitudes.

My coworker asked me about my boss lately, and I expressed my mixed feelings about her feeling or attitude. Because she is a person who likes inconsistency. It felt like a roller coaster with her because sometimes she is nice, she is in a good mood, and other times not so much. So I hope she stays consistent with her attitude or mood at work.




I understand. You explained to your coworker that you have mixed feelings about your boss's attitude lately because she tends to be inconsistent. It feels like a roller coaster because sometimes she's nice and in a good mood, while other times she's not. Your hope is for her to maintain a consistent attitude or mood at work.

Then, to practice dialogue, so could you give me the questions that I gave you initially, one by one?



Certainly! Let's practice the dialogue with the questions one by one:
What do you think of the boss lately? (Your coworker asks you this question.)
Why do you have mixed feelings? (Your coworker asks for clarification.)
How do you feel about her inconsistency? (Your coworker wants to know more about your feelings.)
What is it like to work with her? (Your coworker is curious about your experience.)
Was there any specific incident regarding her inconsistency? (Your coworker seeks more details.)
What do you hope for her? (Your coworker wants to know your expectations.)
Feel free to respond as you did in the original dialogue, or practice your responses.

I will answer to the first question. I have mixed feelings about her.


That's a valid response! Just like you have mixed feelings about OpenAI, in the original dialogue, you expressed having mixed feelings about your boss. If you'd like to continue practicing, feel free to ask the next question or provide another response.

Yeah, I'd like to continue practicing. So, could you give me the next question?


Of course! Here's the next question:
Why do you have mixed feelings?

Because she is nice and in a good mood, but other times not so much.


Great response! You explained that you have mixed feelings because your boss can be nice and in a good mood at times, but other times, she's not so pleasant. If you'd like to continue practicing, just let me know, and I'll provide the next question.

Yeah, please keep giving me the questions. So let's move on to the next question.


Certainly! Here's the next question:
How do you feel about her inconsistency?

Her inconsistency is really frustrating.


Your response reflects your frustration with her inconsistency. It's a straightforward and honest answer. If you'd like to continue practicing, please let me know, and I'll provide the next question.

Yeah, please give me the next question.


Of course! Here's the next question:
What is it like to work with her?

It feels like a roller coaster to work with her.


You've described your experience of working with her as feeling like a roller coaster. That's a vivid way to explain the ups and downs of dealing with her inconsistency. If you're ready for the next question, just let me know!

Yeah, I'm ready for the next question.


Great! Here's the next question:
Was there any specific incident regarding her inconsistency?

Nothing major, I just hope these days can be better.


You mentioned that there wasn't anything major, but you have hopes for better days in terms of her inconsistency. That's a thoughtful response. If you'd like to continue practicing or have any other questions, feel free to let me know!

And please give me the last question.


Certainly! Here's the final question:
What do you hope for her?

I hope she stays consistent because to deal with her inconsistent mood, I do a lot of effort and it also can be very frustrating.


Your response expresses a genuine hope for your boss to stay consistent, given the effort and frustration that dealing with her inconsistency can bring. Well done! If you have any more questions or would like to continue practicing, feel free to ask.

Yeah, I hope to keep practice our dialogue. So, could you give me two more simple questions that I can easily answer based on our dialogue?


Of course! Here are two simple questions related to the dialogue:
How would you describe your boss's mood swings?
What's your main concern when working with your boss?
Feel free to respond to these questions, and we can continue practicing the dialogue.

To answer to the first question, please give me the first question one more time.


Certainly! Here's the first question again:
How would you describe your boss's mood swings?

My boss's mood swings are like riding a roller coaster because she is nice and kind in a good mood but other times not so much.


You've provided a great description of your boss's mood swings, comparing them to riding a roller coaster with moments of niceness and kindness but also times when she's not so pleasant. Well done!
Now, if you'd like, you can respond to the second question:
What's your main concern when working with your boss?

My main concern working with my boss is her inconsistency because it really can be frustrating. And then I need to focus on her mood. It's really demanding.


You've expressed your main concern about working with your boss, highlighting her inconsistency and the frustration it can bring. It can indeed be demanding to have to constantly focus on her mood.
If you'd like to continue practicing or have any more questions, feel free to let me know!

To wrap up our dialogue, please read feedback of my English.


Certainly! Your English throughout the dialogue was clear and understandable. You effectively conveyed your thoughts and feelings about your boss's inconsistency, and your responses were concise and to the point. Great job! If you have any more questions or need further practice, feel free to ask anytime.

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