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[February 2024] GPT 영어회화_Vocab Quiz Unit 19

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 27.




Vocab Quiz Unit 19
research/message/fix /pause/
Swollen/ left foot/ scared




Vocab Quiz Unit 19
research/message/fix /pause/
Swollen/ left foot/ scared
I want to know a meaning of some words, so I gave you a list of words. Among them, comment and scam. Please give me a simple definition of two words.

"Comment" refers to an expression of opinion or reaction, often in response to something.
"Scam" means a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to cheat someone out of money or valuables.

Please give me a simple definition of comment one more time.

Sure! A "comment" is a statement or remark expressing an opinion or reaction.

So, comment means expression of something or statement. Did I say right?

Yes, exactly! A comment is indeed an expression or statement, often conveying an opinion or reaction to something.

So, comment, indeed, expression, or statement, dot, opinions.

That's correct! A comment is an expression or statement that often includes opinions or reactions.

Okay, I got it. Comment is expression or statement that including opinion or opinion or what.

That's right! A comment is an expression or statement that often includes opinions or reactions. It's a way for someone to share their thoughts or feelings about something.

Okay, I got it. And please give me an example sentence using the word.

Of course! Here's an example sentence using the word "comment":
"After reading the article, Sarah left a thoughtful comment expressing her views on the topic."

After reading the article, I left a thoughtful comment. Did I say something wrong?

No, you didn't say anything wrong. Your sentence is perfectly fine! It's a clear and concise statement about leaving a comment after reading an article.

Then please move on to next word. Please give me simple definition of scan one more time.

Sure! The word is "scam," not "scan."
A "scam" is a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to cheat someone out of money or valuables.

So, SCIM means shooting on something.

Actually, it's "scam," not "scim." A scam is a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to cheat someone out of money or valuables.

So SCAM is a scheme designed to cheat on others' money.

Exactly! A scam is a scheme designed to deceive or cheat people out of their money or valuables through dishonest means.

So you mean scam means scheme designed to deserve to others' money.

Close! The word you used, "deserve," doesn't quite fit the definition of scam. Instead, a scam is a scheme designed to deceive or cheat others out of their money or valuables unfairly or dishonestly.

Okay, I got it. A scam is a scheme designed to deceive or cheat on others' money.

That's correct! A scam is indeed a scheme designed to deceive or cheat others out of their money or valuables.

Can you please give me the definition? Ah, no. Please give me an example sentence using the word definition.

Certainly! Here's an example sentence using the word "scam":
"Many people fell victim to the online scam promising easy money, only to realize it was a fraudulent scheme."

The sentence is too long, so please use shorter words.

Sure, here's a shorter example sentence:
"He lost his savings to a phone scam."

Please repeat that.

"He lost his savings to a phone scam."

He lost the saving to Fonseca.

Actually, I said "He lost his savings to a phone scam." So, it's about losing money to a fraudulent scheme, not to someone named "Fonseca."

He lost his savings to a phone scam.

That's correct! In the sentence, "He lost his savings to a phone scam," it means that someone lost their money because they were tricked by a dishonest scheme conducted over the phone.