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[October 2023] 1 minute speech : [NEWs GEN] Our way of changing fate in Seoul: house subscription savings

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[October 2023]


1 minute speech_Week 4 in October

Title : [NEWs GEN] Our way of changing fate in Seoul: house subscription savings

Link : https://youtu.be/eQS80yAzhoA?si=LYLDyvLnXw6ui9Zf

Time : 00:00~23:00

1. Presentation script
Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about Korea's unique "house subscription system." This is a government program designed to help first-time homebuyers. If you save money in a special account for a while, you get a chance to buy a new apartment. It's a way for people to invest and for the government to control housing supply. Recently, it's become super popular, especially among young people. But here's the catch: in big cities like Seoul, where house prices are soaring, getting an apartment through this system isn't easy. Many try, but few succeed, especially in trendy areas. A tip to consider is looking outside Seoul. There, you might find better surroundings and more affordable homes. Thanks for listening!

2. Video summary
The segment is from a show called "News Generation" which aims to provide news insights, styles, and topics tailored for people in their 20s and 30s. The episode aired on July 28th and was broadcasted from Arirang's Open Studio. The hosts, Chizzy and Walter Lee, discuss the top issues affecting young people.

The main topic of discussion was the "house subscription system" in Korea. This system is a government initiative to allocate houses primarily to first-time buyers who have maintained a subscription savings account for an extended period. It serves as an investment opportunity for individuals and helps the government regulate apartment supply. The system has gained significant attention recently, especially among the younger generation.

The house subscription merit system is unique to Korea. When developers construct new apartments, customers are selected based on government criteria even before the construction is completed. The system prioritizes first-time buyers, large families, and those who have maintained a subscription savings account for a long time.

The discussion also touched upon the challenges young people face in owning a home in Seoul due to skyrocketing prices. Many are resorting to the subscription system as a hopeful means to secure a house. However, the chances of being selected are slim, especially for popular apartments in metropolitan areas.

A guest, Tokjun, who has a realtor's license, shared his insights. He mentioned that while the subscription system offers a chance to purchase houses at reasonable prices, the competition is fierce. He suggested that one solution could be to focus on properties outside of Seoul, where the environment might be better, and houses are more affordable.