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[July 2023] Day 18 Topic : Musical

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 30.

[July 2023]


Day 18 Topic : Musical

Title : Here's the Broadway Musical You Should Listen to Next

Link : https://youtu.be/qrQEk5viLfQ

Time : 5:50~6:17

1. Script
And I gotta say right off the bat, my top two recommendations – if nothing else, go listen to these two shows if you haven't – "In the Heights" and "Bright Star." I can't wait for the "In the Heights" movie to come out next year. "In the Heights" is a show that is so near and dear to my heart. It's one that I've talked about a lot on the internet, but if you still haven't, now is the time. Listen to "In the Heights." It's equal parts funny and inspiring and heartwarming and just like fun. Structurally speaking, it's just like the perfect musical too.

2. Expression
Right off the bat
If nothing else
Can't wait for
Now is the time

3. My story
Right off the bat, I'm a big fan of musicals. If nothing else, I try to see at least one per year. But lately, due to COVID-19, it's been quite some time since my last musical watching. Now is the time to plan my next visit. I can't wait to go to a theater and enjoy the musicals once again.