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Speaking +

[September 2023] Speaking Plus 15 Internet Shopping

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 15


Small talk videos 1


What NOT to Buy on Amazon 

spend more getting those delivered

pick them up

it's just not worth it.

You’re paying almost double to get it on the Amazon.


오늘 아침에 먹을걸 사야 했습니다. 근처에 편의점이 있었지만, 다른 곳에서 지불해야 가격의 거의 배를 내야 했습니다. 그럴 가치가 있다고  생각하지 않았습니다. 하지만 가게까지 가는 것도 귀찮았습니다. 그래서 배달을 시키는 것도 잠깐 생각해 봤지만, 배달료가 낭비처럼 느껴졌습니다.


This morning, I needed groceries. There was a convenient store nearby, but I had to pay almost double what I'd pay elsewhere. I didn’t think it was worth it. But I also didn't want the store trip. I briefly thought about having them delivered, but the delivery fee felt like a waste of money.


Small talk videos 2


don't confuse this with

That being said

stay away from


과장님이 이면지로 잔뜩 덥힌 지저분한 책상을 보셨습니다. 그녀는 "책상이 그렇게 지저분하면 집중이 ?"라고 말하셨습니다. 그런 다음, 문서 하나를 집어들고 그것을 이면지와 혼동하지 말라고 말하셨습니다. 잔소리하는 상사로부터 정말 한동안 멀리 떨어져 있고 싶습니다.

My boss saw my messy desk covered with scrap paper. She was like “Isn’t it distracting to have a messy disk like that?” Then, she picked up a document and told me not to confuse that with scrap paper. I really want to stay away from a nagging boss for a while.



Sitcom 15


I guess I should have told you


A: 있자나, 오늘 노트북을 아주 싸게 샀어!

B: 정말? 어디서 찾았어?

A: 온라인에서 세일이 있어서  할인 크게 받았어.

B: 대단한데! 나도 노트북을 찾고 있었어. 일찍 말했어야 했나보다.

A: 그랬어야지. 하지만 걱정마. 찾을 있도록 도와줄게


A: Guess what? I got a fantastic deal on a new laptop today!

B: Really? Where did you find it?

A: There was a huge sale online and I got a big discount.

B: That's amazing! I've been looking for a new laptop too. I guess I should’ve told you earlier.

A: You should’ve. But, no worries. I can help you find one soon.