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Speaking +

[September 2023] Speaking Plus 20 Delivery

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 20


Small talk videos 1


What you should do with amazon delivery delay 

 make things right

package is delayed

chat with a messaging assistant

within reason


택배가 늦어져 답답했습니다. 택배 회사 채팅안내직원과 채팅을 했습니다. 그들에게 가능한 빨리 문제를 해결해달라고 요청했는데, 그러고 나니 화가 풀렸습니다. 택배가 제대로 배송되도록 노력하고 있다는 것을 알게되어 안심했습니다.

My package delay left me frustrated. I chatted with a messaging assistant from the delivery company. I asked them to make things right ASAP, which helped me cool down. I was relieved knowing that they were working to get my package back on track.



Small talk videos 2


Delayed delivery complaints - business English emails

제목: 최근 구매 관련 문제


저는 2023 9 28 배송받은 최근 주문 (K20230928) 관련하여 메일드립니다. 안타깝게도 주문한 상품과 다른 상품이 배송되었으며, 이로 인해 상당한 불편을 겪고 있습니다.

문제를 확인해주시고, 가능한 빨리 해결해 주시기 바랍니다. 참고하시라고, 잘못 배송된 상품의 사진을 첨부했습니다.

빠른 연락 기다리겠습니다.


성명: Tim Yeon


Subject: Issue with Recent Purchase


Dear Sir or Madam


I am writing in connection with my recent order, K20230928, which I received on September 28th. Unfortunately, I got the wrong one, which has caused a considerable inconvenience.


Could you please look into this matter and provide a resolution as soon as possible? I have attached a photo of the incorrect item for your reference.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards,

Tim Yeon



Sitcom 20


remembers me from the last time


A: 드시겠어요? 지난번 오셨던 기억나요!

B: , 오래됐는데. 어떻게 알아보셨어요?

A: 단골 손님은 기억해요. 이렇게 오셨어요?

B: 사는게 바빠서요ㅠㅠ. 지내셨어요?

A: 아시다시피, 항상 똑같아요. 그래도 다시 보니 좋네요.


A: What can I get you? Oh, I remember you from the last time you were here!

B: Wow, it's been a while. How could you recognize me?

A: I remember all my regulars. What's been keeping you from visiting?

B: Life’s keeping me busy. What about you?

A: "You know, it’s just as usual. Great to see you back, though.