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[August 2023] Day 6 Topic : Hospitals

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 30.

[August 2023] 


Day 6 Topic : Hospitals

Title : My dog went to the hospital!

Link : https://youtube.com/shorts/dYHTC-2DZnU?feature=share

Time : 0:00~

1. Script
I learned about pet therapy when I saw how good Magnus was at comforting people. He has a natural empathy that you just can't teach dogs. As a pet therapy team, we advance the physical, emotional, and social well-being of others through animal-assisted interactions. The impact is difficult to quantify but incredibly rewarding. In addition to visiting the patients, we also visit the hospital staff as well. Magnus has the ability to brighten people's day, even during their darkest hours. It's our way of giving back and paying it forward.

2. Expression
Comforting someone
Brighten someone's day
During their darkest hours
Giving back
Paying it forward

3. My story
I remember the time when I comforted my grandfather during his illness. It was a way for me to brighten his day, especially during his darkest hours. Taking care of him felt like giving back for all the love he had shown me. Now, whenever I can, I try to pay it forward by being there for others in their times of need.