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[December 2023] Day 3 Topic : Studying

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 4.

[December 2023]
Day 3 Topic : Studying
Title : How to Improve Your Focus
Link : https://youtu.be/dsS2wg2Y39c?si=YulkRlDgcD6GBGXR


1. Script

If you're struggling to stay focused while studying, you might want to try a technique called 'Adventure Studying.' This concept, from computer science Professor Cal Newport, is based on the idea that our brain craves novelty. Normally, studying in your room or library is pretty boring, but if you can incorporate a sense of adventure into your work, you'll automatically become more productive and enjoy the process more. For example, you might try taking a walk to the local coffee shop and working there, or heading outdoors to study under a tree. If you've got a free weekend, consider a road trip with friends to a cottage and study together. It's all about finding ways to enjoy the journey because when we're having fun, productivity takes care of itself.

2. Expression

  • Struggling to stay focused: Having difficulty maintaining concentration.
  • Technique called 'Adventure Studying': A specific method named 'Adventure Studying'.
  • Craves novelty: Desires new and interesting experiences.
  • Incorporate a sense of adventure: Include elements of excitement or new experiences.
  • Automatically become more productive: Naturally increase in efficiency and output.
  • Enjoy the process: Find pleasure or satisfaction in the activity.
  • Take care of itself: Happen or resolve without direct effort.

3. My Story

When I was finding it hard to concentrate while working, I remembered the concept of Adventure studying. This time, I decided to incorporate this idea into my work routine. Instead of staying at my desk, I went to a nearby park and set up my work station there. The change of environment added an exciting twist to my tasks, and I found myself more productive and even enjoying the process. It turns out that when I make work feel like an adventure, productivity takes care of itself.