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[January 2024] Day 17 Topic : Coffee

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 18.

[January 2024]
Day 17 Topic : Coffee
Title : Virtual Coffee Chat Success: Connect, Build Rapport & Engage

Link : https://youtu.be/M7-oTnZvRws?si=YsjjTj6caXOTtVLD


1.    Script

Here are five great coffee chat questions to ask in your informational interviews. Now, remember, in a coffee chat, your goal is to ask thoughtful questions in order to impress the interviewer and also learn more about the firm. One of my favorite questions, which you can ask anyone, is "What was your biggest surprise when you joined this firm or started this role?" Second, I really like to ask, "Why did you pick this firm over other options?" You can then turn this answer into your own interview answer for why this firm. Another good general one is, "What's an interesting project that you've been working on recently?" If you want to get more detailed or nuanced, you can ask, "What types of businesses or deals does your team typically work on?" And another great one, "What are some traits that help your team win deals or make investment decisions?" And you can Google "Peak Frameworks coffee chat questions" if you'd like a full list.


2.    Expression

  • Informational interviews: Meetings where you gather information about a job, career path, industry, or company from someone who has knowledge in those areas.
  • Thoughtful questions: Queries that show you have given serious consideration to the subject matter.
  • Biggest surprise when joining the firm: A question that gives insight into unexpected aspects of a company or position.
  • Why did you pick this firm: A question to understand the interviewer's reasoning and preferences in their career choice.
  • Interesting project: Inquiring about recent significant or unique work to learn more about the job's day-to-day activities.
  • Types of businesses or deals the team works on: A question to gain insight into the specific areas the team or company specializes in.
  • Traits that help win deals or make investment decisions: Asking about the skills or qualities that are valued and effective in the company.


3.    My Story
I've been working on improving my networking skills. I started by reaching out to professionals in my field, aiming to build rapport. I shared why I was interested in connecting and asked about their experiences. I also made sure to add my own insights into our conversations. Recently, I reached out to a new contact, applying this approach. Adopting these networking techniques has been instrumental in creating new opportunities for my career growth.