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[February 2024] Youtube_Unit 4 Computer

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 5.

 Unit 4 Computer 

How To Safely REMOVE a USB DRIVE in Windows 10

In this video, I'm going to show you how you can safely remove a USB stick from a Windows 10 device. The same thing will apply for a desktop as well. So, if you have a look, we have a little upwards arrow here, and when we hover over it, it says hidden icons. So, we're going to left-click on that, and then it's going to bring up some more icons here. One of them looks like a USB stick, and if we hover over that, it will give us the option to safely remove hardware and eject media. So, we're going to left or right-click on that one there, and then we need to choose the drive that we want to eject. So, right now, I've only got one drive to eject, but if I had other devices in, then it would bring up those ones as well. Obviously, only eject the one that you want to remove. So, we're going to click on eject Ultra; that's the name of this little stick here. And that is it. You can see now, if we were to click elsewhere and then go back onto the hidden icons, it no longer comes up with the little icon for the USB stick, and the drive will no longer be recognized. So, we're just going to take it out. On some PCs, it might say, "You can now safely remove hardware." Thanks for watching.