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[February 2024] Youtube_Unit 14 School

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 20.

 Unit 14 School 

What's in my bag?




What is in my everyday bag? It looks quite small, but it honestly fits everything inside. First thing I always keep on me is the book I'm reading; currently, I'm reading "Little" by Edward Carey. Next, I have my commonplace book; this is a Moleskine notebook which I'll use for writing, making notes. Next in here is this tiny pad of manuscript papers, very nice, that's writing paper which I'll use for leaving thank you notes. Next, I have my purse I got second hand on Vintage. Next thing is AirPods. Final thing in here also has a lot in it; it's honestly jam-packed: hand sanitizer, contact lens case, mini deodorant, bomb.com lip balm, emergency tea bags, sticky notes, Gaviscon tablets, portable charger (there's the cable), washi tape, a scrumpled napkin comes in useful, I don't want a whole pack of tissues, two hair clips, and a lens cloth. Final thing, which does also fit, occasionally will bring, is my remarkable tablet. This is a tablet which is made to resemble writing on paper, and it's great if I want to see. Welcome again, and that is...