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[February 2024] Youtube_Unit 20 Watching Movies

by Wagzakk 2024. 2. 22.

 Unit 20 Watching Movies 

Most Expensive Movie Theatre In The World




This is the most expensive movie theater in the world. Right when you get there, you're escorted into a waiting lounge. Then you're given a menu to order food during the movie. They also came out with some nuts and some watermelon juice or something. I honestly can't remember. And once you get in your seats, you have a blanket and a pillow. Oh yeah, I'd definitely say worth $150. The seats even recline all the way back, just like any other movie theater in the states for like $15. Then they brought out the food. Started off with some popcorn, tea, and a green smoothie or something. Delicious. Then I got some still-ass nachos. Definitely not worth $150. And the main course came, some sliders that look like pipsqueak patties, and then some tacos. They also had a button to call service whenever you wanted to drop ten dollars on some water or some coffee because there's no way you can get through this movie without caffeine. I'm sorry, y'all, but Creed was just so damn boring. All in all, definitely not worth $150.