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[September 2023] Day 9 Topic : Food

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[September 2023]


Day 9 Topic : Food

Title : What I Ate for Lunch in 7/11 Korea

Link : https://youtu.be/GVsFUEyfIjI?si=LXMrYz76_cr5G5jl

Time : 00:00~00:59

1. Script
Today I'm going to get lunch from 7-Eleven Korea. When you walk inside you have a vast selection of cup noodle brands to choose from. I went with sesame ramen today because it's my favorite cup noodle flavor. Then I headed over to the refrigerated section and got tuna mayo onigiri. I also got a soft-boiled egg for protein. For bev I got banana milk. Everything was around five dollars. I sat down prepared my ramen. So my favorite part about this ramen is the dehydrated egg block. It makes the soup extra eggy which I love. And you can top it off with the spicy sesame oil. Next I had the tuna mayo onigiri. It's super simple and it's my ultimate go-to when I'm in a hurry. This was even better when dunked into the ramen broth. Next I had some eggs and for some reason my mom thought that it was funny to crack it on my head. Abuse the yolk was super orange and slightly jammy in the center and perfectly salted it was so good. For dessert banana milk tasted like childhood. If you're ever running in a hurry or want an affordable meal it's so convenient. What's your favorite snack from your local convenience store?

2. Expression
go with ~
top it off
tasted like childhood
running in a hurry 

3. My story
One day, I had to go with a quick lunch from the local convenience store. I grabbed a classic ham and cheese sandwich, my ultimate go-to when running in a hurry. To top it off, I added a bag of salted potato chips. As I took a bite, the flavors reminded me of childhood picnics. The sandwich tasted like a comforting memory. It's amazing how something so simple can transport you back in time. Convenience store food might not always be gourmet, but it can sure bring a smile to your face when you need it most.