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[October 2023] Day 06 Topic : Hospitals

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[October 2023]


Day 06 Topic : Hospitals

Title : How can regular medical check ups contribute to a longer life?

Link : https://youtu.be/9ga54tWmv1Q?si=paWB4ZeQIlUMbeUR

Time : 00:00~00:58

1. Script
Regular medical check-ups are crucial for the early detection of potential health issues. Many illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease, have a much higher survival rate when detected early. The NIH recommends regular screening for various conditions, depending on your age and gender. This includes checks for high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes, among others. Regular eye and dental exams are also important. In addition to these, getting vaccinated according to the NH vaccination schedule can protect against several diseases. Regular self-examinations for changes in your body can also help in early detection. Finally, mental health should not be overlooked. Regular mental health check-ups can help detect signs of mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, early.

2. Expression
Regular medical check-ups
early detection of potential health issues
depending on your age and gender
protect against several diseases
self-examinations for changes in my body
mental health should not be overlooked

3. My story
At my company, they offer regular medical check-up support. So last month, I took my parents along for their check-ups too. It was a comprehensive session, focusing on early detection of potential health issues. The doctor adjusted the tests depending on our age and gender. While I was familiar with the routine, my parents were introduced to the importance of self-examinations for changes in the body. The doctor also emphasized that mental health should not be overlooked. My parents were grateful for the experience, and I felt at ease knowing we're all taking steps to protect against several diseases.