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[October 2023] Day 14 Topic : School

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[October 2023]


Day 14 Topic : School

Title : Sean Shares Why Urban Planning at U of I is the Best Major

Link : https://youtu.be/mcXwOrkTPmU?si=06j657AVIGkU6mJz

Time : 00:00~00:28

1. Script
Hi, my name is Sean Jordan. I'm a sophomore studying urban planning here at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I'm actually from the suburbs of Chicago. I've always been one of those people who's been super interested in how cities develop and function over time. Especially issues like affordable housing and access to Equitable Transportation. I feel like the classes that I'm taking here are really doing a good job of helping me learn about these fields. I'm really excited to see what the future holds. Hopefully, you'll join us here.

2. Expression
I've always been one of those
how cities develop and function over time
affordable housing
access to equitable transportation
what the future holds

3. My story
When I was in college, I studied urban planning. I've always been one of those curious folks, wondering how cities grow and change. I learned about making homes people can afford and helping everyone move around the city easily. Now, I work in this field, focusing on affordable housing and fair transportation. Every day, I think about how to make cities better for everyone. I'm really excited about the work I do and can't wait to see what the future holds for our cities.