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[July 2023] Day 16 Topic : Beach [July 2023] Day 16 Topic : Beach Title : 5 Must-Visit Beach Getaways Around The World Link : https://youtu.be/1OG8u0zAjtY Time : 0:47~1:01 1. Script At the heart of Boracay's allure is White Beach, a four-kilometer stretch of powdery white sand that has become an icon of tropical beauty. With its crystal clear turquoise waters gently lapping the shore, it's the perfect place to unwind, soak up t.. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 15 Topic : Online Shopping [July 2023] Day 15 Topic : Online Shopping Title : Funniest ONLINE Shopping FAILS! XDDD Link : https://youtu.be/t9avhmWm3Fk Time : 0:00~0:54 1. Script Shopping online can be complicated. Comparing products, reading reviews, and searching for deals that can sometimes seem too good to be true. Well, guess what? They normally are. Here are some people who instantly regretted shopping online - Leggi.. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 14 Topic : Music [July 2023] Day 14 Topic : Music Title : Why collect and listen to vinyl records in 2022? Link : https://youtu.be/sMPkIjLOjpI Time : 6:30~7:23 1. Script But the thrill of the hunt is still definitely there. And the other thing I really dig culture about buying records and listening to music on vinyl, and I hate to use this word, but it is kind of the culture behind it, right? It's physically goi.. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center [July 2023] Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center Title : Going to the Gym For the First Time Link : https://youtu.be/EoWGGNHvVxA Time : 0:00~0:26 1. Script Ahh, I remember the first time I went to gym. Coming in with all the confidence in the world while avoiding eye contact at all costs, and then going to the machine neatly tucked in the corner farthest from any other life form. Cranked out a solid 4 .. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 11 Topic : Dating [July 2023] Day 11 Topic : Dating Title : No Chemistry, but Great Connection?? DO THIS! | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs Link : https://youtu.be/Uwmu0NxsGfg Time : 0:49~1:38 1. Script This exact scenario came up recently on a coaching call in my Manifest Your Man Program there was a woman saying, "Gosh Matt, I met this guy. He's good looking, he's got great qualities. We laugh, we have so .. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 10 Topic : Smartphone [July 2023] Day 10 Topic : Smartphone Title : Gen Z and millennials turning to flip phones for mental health l GMA Link : https://youtu.be/g1rUqoucXMc Time : 00:23~01:01 1. Script People are going on smartphone detox. It's using one of these. College kids are praising them online Millennials and gen Z professionals. They're trying them out making flip phones the ultimate statement on Mental Heal.. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad [July 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad Title : Top 8 Best Courses to Study Abroad After Graduation | Career Guidance Tips | Simplilearn Link : https://youtu.be/vr0s08ZzG5k Time : 00:00~00:16 1. Script As a result of rising globalization, education has reached new heights with more students preferring to seek degrees overseas in order to boost their work prospects a worldwide. Education may ch.. 2023. 10. 30.
[July 2023] Day 4 Topic : Home July 2023 Day 4 Topic : Home Title : 12 Design Tips For Small Spaces - How To Make It Look & Feel Bigger Link : https://youtu.be/uy2gXpKpYZw Time : 00:01~00:15 1. Script Living in a small space can at times be quite challenging, especially when it comes to balancing form and function. while trying to make enough storage to cram all our belongings. In this video, I'll go through 12 of my best des.. 2023. 10. 30.
How to write English diary with YouTube & GPT STEP 1. 나의 일기 쓰기(with. YouTube & chatGPT) 1. UNIT TOPIC과 관련된 유튜브 영상 찾기 EX. UNIT 14 TOPIC : School, 유튜브에 School이나 관련된 내용 검색하고 영상 찾기 (저는 전공과 관련된 내용을 말하고 싶어 전공을 검색했습니다. urban planning in college) 2. 스크립트 추출하기 (shorts >> watch?v= : 쇼츠는 이렇게 주소를 바꿔주면 자막 추출이 더 쉽습니다) (혹은 댓글의 '~개월전'을 클릭하면 아래 화면으로 바로 넘어갑니다) (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mcXwOrkTPmU >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcXwOrkTPmU) 3. GPT로.. 2023. 10. 30.