Drinking2 [October 2023] Day 02 Topic : Drinking [October 2023] Day 02 Topic : Drinking Title : What quitting alcohol does to your body and mind day by day Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAiNjcSm3Nc&ab_channel=TheSunHealth Time : 00:00~00:57 1. Script What quitting alcohol does to your body and mind day by day. Day three: feeling energized. You'll notice a reduction in hangover symptoms. This includes noisier headaches and tiredness. T.. 2023. 10. 31. [August 2023] Day 2 Topic : Drinking [August 2023] Day 2 Topic : Drinking Title : Alcohol Tips on Social Drinking Link : https://youtu.be/U_kcoLNPP7k Time : 5:44~6:10 1. Script You know, one of the things that people do when they are trying to cut back on the drinking, if that's what they want to do, is to have somebody be a part of that journey with them. And so having somebody who can be their buddy for accountability, that's a u.. 2023. 10. 30. 이전 1 다음