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Speaking +

[August 2023] Speaking Plus 12 Family

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 12


Small talk videos 1


No One Goes to Little Girl's Birthday Party 


show up for her party

My heart broke

saved the day


합격했다면, 전화가 것이었습니다. 하지만 전화를 받았고, 상심이 컸습니다. 며칠 , 회사로부터 채용되었다는 메시지를 받았어요. 메시지로 나를 곤경에서 구해주었습니다. 왜냐면 불합격 소식을 부모님께 말할 참이었기 때문이었습니다. 알고보니 그들이 고용한 사람이 출근 날에 나타나지 않았다고 합니다.


I was supposed to get a call if I got a job offer. But, I didn’t and my heart broke. A couple of days later, I got a message from the company that I was hired. The message saved the day because I was going to tell my parents the bad news. It turned out the one who they had hired didn’t show up for his first day at work.



Small talk videos 2


making that post

turned into


쉬운 아침 식사 레시피에 관한 포스팅을 했어요. 예상치 못하게, 포스팅이 금방 퍼졌어요. 댓글이 쏟아졌어요. 그리고, 간단한 레시피 포스팅으로 시작된 것이 음식 애호가들이 자신의 레시피를 공유하는 블로그로 변모했어요. 어떻게 변변치 못한 요리가 사람들을 감동시킬 있는지 믿기지 않았어요.


I made a post about my easy breakfast recipe. Unexpectedly, it went viral. Comments poured in. Then, what started as a simple recipe posting turned into a blog where foodies share their recipes. I couldn’t believe how my humble dish could impress people.



Sitcom 12


gift certificate


A: 있잖아? 선물 샀어!

B: 진짜? 뭐야?

A: 스타벅스 기프트권이야.

B: , 완전 좋아! 고마워. 스벅 커피 너무 좋아해.

A: 좋아할거라 생각했어. 내가 쏘는 거니까 맛있게 마셔.

B: 최고야! 빨리 사용하고 싶다.


A: Guess what? I got a gift for you!

B: Really? What is it?

A: It's a gift certificate to Starbucks.

B: Oh, that's awesome! Thanks so much. I love their coffee.

A: I thought you would! Enjoy your drinks on me.

B: You're the best! Can't wait to use it.