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[August 2023] Speaking Plus 13 Traveling

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 13


Small talk videos 1


My honest review of flying business class

business class

stretch out


여행에서 이코노미를 타고 갔습니다. 좌석이 너무 좁아 다리를 뻗기조차 힘들었다. 허리와 목도 힘들었습니다. 잠을 있는 편안한 자세를 찾는 것도 어려웠습니다. 게다가, 자리로 들어왔다 나가는 것도 일이었습니다, 자리 앉은 사람들을 불편하게 했습니다.


I was flying economy on my trip to Guam. The seat was so cramped, making it hard to stretch out my legs. It was also tough on my back and neck. Finding a comfortable sleeping position was hard as well. Besides, getting in and out of my seat was a struggle, which was bothering to my seatmates.


Small talk videos 2


TRAVEL HACK from a flight attendant


lies completely flat

stretch out


하나는 비즈니스 클래스 좌석에서 비행하는 것입니다. 좌석은 넓고 편안하며, 추가로 넓은 레그룸이 있습니다. 좌석이 또한 완전히 평평하게 펴져서 몸을 뻗을 있습니다. 질높은 식사를 포함하여 나은 서비스를 누릴 있습니다. 추가적인 편안함은 장거리 비행을 더욱 견딜만하게 해줍니다.


One of my dreams is flying in a business class seat. The seat is more spacious and comfortable, with extra legroom. The seat also lies completely flat so that you can stretch out. You enjoy better service including high-quality meals as well. The extra comfort makes the long flight more bearable.




Sitcom 13


Pull over



A: 세워 줄래? 소변이 급해.

B: 진짜? 지금 고속도로인데! 바로 세우지.

A: 알아, 근데 급해!

B: 알았어, 휴게소가 나올 거야. 참아!

A: 정말 다행이다. 금방 하고 올게!


A: Can you pull over? I really need to pee.

B: Seriously? We're on the highway! I can’t immediately pull over.

A: I know, but it's urgent!

B: Alright, there's a rest area coming up. Hold on!

A: Thank God. I’ll make it quick!