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Speaking +

[October 2023] Speaking Plus 20 Watching Movies

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 2.

Unit 20

Small talk videos 1
English Movie Vocabulary

action scenes, gunshots,car chases
favorite genre

집에서 내가 가장 좋아하는 장르인 액션 영화를 보며 쉬었습니다. 액션 장면은 총격전과 격렬한 자동차 추격을 가득 담고 있었습니다. 스릴 넘쳐고 긴장을 멈출 없었습니다. 내내 영화에 완전 몰입했습니다.

I just relaxed at home watching an action movie, which is my favorite genre.  The action scenes were packed with gunshots and intense car chases. They kept me thrilled and anxious. I was deeply involved in the movie throughout.
Small talk videos 2
Other ways of saying, "I'm going to the movies."

the most common thing
That's popular but not as popular as

직장에서의 점심시간은 근무중의 소소한 즐거움입니다. 먹을지 고민하는 것도 재미습니다. 가장 흔한 것은 샌드위치와 샐러드입니다. 하지만 내가 가장 좋아하는 음식은 파스타입니다. 파스타도 인기가 있지만 샌드위치만큼 인기는 없습니다.
Lunchtime at work is a little joy in the middle of the workday. It’s fun to struggle to decide what to eat. The most common thing is sandwiches and salads. But my favorite food is pasta. Pasta is also popular but not as popular as sandwiches.
Sitcom 20
your self-esteem gets smaller
B: 새 일이 감당이 안되네. 실수할 때마다 자존감이 더 떨어져.
A: 내가 알지. 걱정마 내가 있잖아.
B: 힘이 되주어서 고마워.
B: I feel overwhelmed with the new job. My self-esteem gets smaller with every mistake.
A: I know the feeling. Don’t worry. I've got your back.
B: Thanks, I appreciate your support.