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[November 2023] Day 3 Topic : Festival

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 2.

[November 2023]

Day 3 Topic : Festival

Title : Three things I always bring with me to music festivals
Link : https://youtu.be/dNM6K05W8aY?si=5MuqHr4e3d4amNCB

1. Script
Three things I always bring with me to music festivals to stay safe. The first thing I won't forget is my cup cover. It comes in a keychain like this, or a scrunchie. It prevents my drinks from being spiked. The second thing is my invisible bracelet. If I'm ever in an emergency, I just double press the charm. It sends my location to up to five emergency contacts. Optionally, it can notify the authorities as well. Third is the invisible app on my phone. It has a bunch of neat safety features. Like the ability to FaceTime a live ADT agent. If I'm ever feeling unsafe or in a dangerous situation, I can use it.

2. Expression
Things I always bring with me

It comes in

It prevents ~ from ~

A bunch of

3. My story

When I went to the Seoul Forest Jazz Festival, there were a few things I brought with me to enhance the experience. A soft blanket, it comes in handy for sitting under the stars and prevents the evening chill from dampening the mood. A bottle of fine wine accompanies the bunch of melodies, and my vintage camera is always over my shoulder, capturing every spontaneous moment in a snapshot symphony. These are my festival must-haves.