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[November 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 7.

[November 2023]

Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad

Title : Studying abroad? You must watch this!
Link : https://youtu.be/Yd0xYF4cXDE?si=c9Q8mNxAzSqyJNr7

1. Script
Did you just move to another country? Here are five things you absolutely must do while studying abroad: volunteering gives you a lot of opportunities such as Canadian work experience, meeting new people, networking, and the best part is they will feed you and give you reference letters for your future jobs. Build connections because connections might lead you to interesting places and when talking to people, remember that you never know who that person is and where they can help you. Say yes to new experiences and enjoy your school years; visit nearby cities, explore local cuisine, and go to the brewery you've always wanted to visit. Who knows where you'll end up after your studies, right? And don't forget to party because you will never be younger than tonight. So, how's your school year going? Having fun so far? Share in the comments.

2. Expression
Give you a lot of opportunities
The best part is
Build connections
Might lead me to interesting places
Say yes to new experiences

3. My story

Living in a dorm with foreign students gave me a lot of opportunities. The best part is the sheer variety of perspectives you encounter every day. It was about building connections that might lead me to interesting places, like a friend's hometown or a festival I never knew existed. I learned to say yes to new experiences, whether it was a traditional culture, a home-cooked exotic meal, or just mingling in a new language. Each bond was a window to a world beyond my own.