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Speaking +

[November 2023] Speaking Plus 12 Daily Life

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 20.

Unit 12


Small talk videos 1



taking away 52 Sundays

313 days left

15 days are gone

we're left with 96 days


시험 준비 기간으로 30일이 남았었습니다. 그러나 출장으로 2일을 빼야 했습니다. 20일이 지났을 , 나는 준비가 부족해 절박해졌습니다. 3일만 남았을 , 남은 시간을 최대한 활용하려고 밤낮으로 공부하기 시작했습니다.


I had 30 days left to prepare for the exam. But I had to take away two days for a business trip. When 20 days were gone, I became desperate feeling unprepared. When I was left with 3 days, I began to study day and night to make the most of the remaining time.


Small talk videos 2


aking off

sick for a minimum of three days


최근에 독감에 걸려서 병가를 쓰기로 결정했습니다. 최대 3일간의 휴가를 취할 있었습니다. 이렇게라도 아니면 저는 쉬지 않습니다. 바쁜 일상에서 필요한 이었습니다. 쉬는 동안에는 몸과 마음을 모두 다시 충전했습니다.


Recently, I caught the flu, I decided to take sick leave. I could take off a maximum  of three days. I wouldn’t have a break otherwise. It was also a much-needed break from the hectic routine. During my time off I recharged both physically and mentally.


Sitcom 12


worked late

I got lonely


A: 나는 분기 보고서를 위해 숫자를 계산하느라 야근했어. 근데 조금 외롭더라.

B: 사무실에 혼자였어?

A: , 다들 가고 혼자였어.

B: , 다음에는 나한테 문자해. 함께 있어줄게.

A: 그럼 외롭지. 고마워!


A: I worked late crunching numbers for the quarterly report. Got a bit lonely, though.

B: Were you alone in the office?

A: Yeah, everyone had left, and it was just me.

B: Well, next time, text me. I can keep you company.

A: That will do, thanks!