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Speaking +

[November 2023] Speaking Plus 14 Music

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 21.

Unit 14


Small talk videos 1


How to Connect AirPods to iPhone

hold the button on the back to pair

now you're connected, and you're done.


최근에 무선 이어폰을 샀습니다. 폰과 이어폰을 페어링 하려고 노력했습니다. 설명서에는 3 동안 버튼을 누르라고 나와있었는데, 됐습니다. 다시 시도했더니, 그렇지, 연결됐습니다.


I bought wireless earbuds recently. I tried to pair them with my phone. The manual told me to hold the button for three seconds, which didn’t work. I gave it another shot, and there it was, they were connected.


Small talk videos 2


This Is Why It's Called "Bluetooth" 

got its name

named after

was known for


우리 댕댕이는 생긴 모습으로 이름을 짓지 않았습니다. 활발한 성격때문에 이름이 생겼습니다. 우리 댕댕이는 아무에게나 꼬리를 흔드는 것으로 동네에서 유명합니다. 근처 공원을 함께 걷는 것은 나의 일상의 즐거움입니다.


My dog wasn’t named after what it looked like. He got his name for his energetic nature. He is known for wagging his tail for everybody in my neighborhood. Taking a walk with him along the nearby park is a joy of my daily life.


Additional Homework

be named after
get its name for

세 명의 기업가가 커피숍을 열기로 하고 매력적인 이름이 필요했습니다. 그들은 커피 무역의 해상 역사에 대해 생각하며 "모비 딕"에서 영감을 받았습니다. 처음에는 소설의 배인 "피쿼드"라는 이름을 고려했지만, 대신에 배의 첫 번째 선원인 스타벅을 따서 이름을 짓기로 했습니다. 이 선택은 해상 로맨스와 커피 무역의 모험적 정신을 반영했습니다. 이렇게 스타벅스는 그 이름을 얻게 되어 세계적인 커피 아이콘이 되었습니다.

Once, three entrepreneurs decided to open a coffee shop and needed a captivating name. They thought about the seafaring history of coffee trade and were inspired by "Moby-Dick." They initially considered "Pequod," the novel's ship, but instead chose to be named after Starbuck, the ship's first mate. This choice reflected their love for the sea's romance and the adventurous spirit of coffee trading. That's how Starbucks got its name, becoming a global coffee icon.


Sitcom 14


each other's likes and dislikes


A: 부장님이 단체 등산을 계획 중이셔.

B: 우리가 친해져야 한다고 생각하시는 듯해요.

A: 서로의 취향을 알아가는 좋은 기회가 있지

B: 그죠, 모두가 근데 회사 밖에서 어울리는 좋아하는 아니니까요.


A: Our boss is planning a team hike.

B: He seems to think we should bond more.

A: It could be a chance to know each other's likes and dislikes.

B: Yeah, but not everyone likes socializing outside work.