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[December 2023] Day 18 Topic : Pets

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 26.

[December 2023]
Day 18 Topic : Pets
Title : Early season hiking -- tips and tricks to stay warm, healthy, and happy.
Link : https://youtu.be/smDEfFz9zug?si=07sdAnraIFyvLsHq


  1. Script
    "This dog goes around a farmer's market and shops for its owner. You can see her touching the food she wants, and then the store owner will put it in her basket. She then picks it up and brings it to the next one and does the same. She's even walked up to a stranger and taps on them to get their attention so she can get some oranges for her basket. After the store owner gets her some, the dog then tells him she needs some little oranges. There have been moments of miscommunication though. When she went to get some oranges from this worker, she tapped on the orange she wanted, and the worker gave her a few different ones. She then points at it again, saying she wants this orange specifically, and the worker says no. So she grabs the orange anyway, puts it in her basket like she'll just take it herself, and walks away."

  2. Expression
    • Goes around a farmer's market: Refers to moving through different areas or stalls of a market.
    • Taps on them to get their attention: A gentle physical gesture used to draw someone's focus.
    • Brings it to the next one: Refers to moving an item from one location to another.
    • Moments of miscommunication: Times when there is a failure to communicate effectively.
    • Tapped on the orange she wanted: Indicates a specific selection or choice by pointing or touching.
    • Saying she wants this specifically: Expressing a clear and particular preference or desire.
    • Puts it in her basket like she'll just take it herself: Implies deciding to handle a situation independently.
    • Walks away: Leaving a place or situation.
  3. My Story
    Over the weekend, my friend, her dog, and I walked around our neighborhood. We passed a store and smelled delicious sweet potatoes. The dog got excited and led us inside. He sat in front of the sweet potatoes, wagging his tail. We laughed and bought some for him. It was a fun surprise on our walk.