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[December 2023] Day 20 Topic : Watching Movies

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 28.

[December 2023]
Day 20 Topic : Watching Movies
Title :  types of friends watching movies #shorts
Link : https://youtu.be/IWOwKX-PoIg?si=bRj6K33TdAuX1w9b


  1. Script
    "You guys want to watch a movie? I am so down. Yes, let's find one. Oh my God, it's been three hours! I'm not gonna lie, I was on TikTok the entire time." "I was doing the same thing." "All right, you know what? I've already seen this one, but it's fine." "Oh, you use subtitles too? I actually hate subtitles so much." "Well, you can suck it up because it's not our fault you can't handle them." "Wait, who's that guy? I know him from somewhere. Um, uh, don't tell me." "I don't know, but he's my favorite character so far." "Oh, then you're probably gonna be really sad at the end." "Why would you say that? I didn't even spoil anything!" "You literally just did." "You've been on your phone this whole time anyway." "It's called multitasking." "Twilight! He's from Twilight." "Oh, okay. I thought it was interesting."

  2. Expression
    • I am so down: Expresses enthusiasm or agreement to do something.
    • I'm not gonna lie: A phrase used when admitting something truthfully.
    • Suck it up: A colloquial way to tell someone to endure a situation or accept it.
    • You can't handle them: Implies that someone is unable to deal with or accept a certain thing.
    • Multitasking: Doing more than one task at the same time.
    • You literally just did: Used to point out that someone has done exactly what they claim they didn't do.

  3. My Story

    Last weekend, my friends and I wanted to watch a movie. We were excited, but first, we just watched videos on YouTube for three hours. When we finally picked a movie, my friend didn't like the subtitles. We said she had to deal with it. Later, she saw an actor and tried to remember where she had seen him before. He was from "Twilight," and we talked about that. She didn't like reading subtitles and kept looking at her phone, but she still liked the movie. It's funny how movie nights can be so fun and special.