Unit 3
Small talk videos 1
How To Improve Your Listening Skills
looking up words.
doesn't bother me
이전에는 리딩 할 때, 영어 단어를 계속 찾았었어. 전혀 귀찮지가 않았거든. 어느 날, 선생님이 그렇게 하는 걸 보시고, 그러시더라고 "이해 못 하는 모든 단어마다 찾을 필요 없어". 그때 나는 어휘 학습 방법을 바꾸게 된거야.
I used to look up English words non-stop while reading. It never bothered me at all. One day, my teacher caught me and was like "You don’t need to look up every word you don’t understand.” That’s when I changed the way I learn vocab.
Small talk videos 2
at one sitting
move on to the next item
keep moving forward
얼마전에 나는 방 정리를 그자리서 끝내버렸어. 옷, 책, 생각나는 건 다 정리했지. 한 가지 일을 끝내면 다음 것으로 넘어갔어. 힘들긴 했지만 계속 했어. 모든 일이 끝나고 나니, 완전히 상쾌한 기분이었어.
I cleaned up my room at one sitting the other day. I organized all the clothes, books, you name it. When I finished one thing, I moved on to the next item. it was tiring but I kept moving forward. When it was all done, I felt totally refreshed.
Sitcom 3
Get that swill away from me!
A: "그녀가 데려온 이 작은 강아지 좀 봐봐."
B: "오, 귀엽다! 근데, 저리 치워줘. 나 동물털에 알레르기 있어."
A: "앗, 내가 잘 못했어! 미안해. 그럼 그 강아지를 멀리 두라고 말할게."
B: "고마워. 근데 그녀가 왜 직장에 강아지를 데려왔어?"
A: "오늘 강아지 돌봐줄 사람이 없어서 그랬데."
A: "Check out this little dog she brought."
B: "Oh, adorable! But, get that away from me. I'm allergic to animal hair."
A: "Oops, my bad! Sorry about that. I'll ask her to keep the dog at a distance."
B: "Thanks for that. So, what's the reason for bringing her dog to work?"
A: "She couldn't find anyone to take care of her dog today."
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