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Speaking +

[November 2023] Speaking Plus 20 Delivery

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 29.

Unit 20


Small talk videos 1




open one up and see what's inside

Sorry to whoever's package that was


지난 번에 택배를 하나 받았습니다. 열어서 안에 뭐가 있는지 보고서야 것임을 알았습니다. 실수였지만, 어쨌든 택배가 누구의 것이든지 미안한 마음이 들었습니다. 나는 그것을 다시 포장해서 택배 회사에 되돌려 보냈습니다.


I got a package the other day. I didn’t know it was sent to the wrong address until I opened it up and saw what was inside. It was an accident but I felt sorry for whoever the package belonged to anyway. I repackaged it and sent it back to the delivery company.  


Small talk videos 2


find out if it's worth paying for



나는 온라인에서 오버핏 스웨터를 샀습니다. 도착했을 입어봤습니다. 너무 보였지만, 너무 편했습니다. 지금 반품할 고민 중입니다. 핏이 맞는 것보다 편안함에 돈을 지불할 가치가 있는지 확신이 서서.


I bought an oversized sweater online. When it arrived, it tried it on right away. While it looked like too big for me, it felt so comfy. Now I'm debating returning it as I’m not sure whether if it's worth paying for comfort over a more fitted look.


Sitcom 20


three days would go by in no time.


A: 벌써 금요일이라니 믿을 없다.

B: 정말, 주가 순식간에 지나갔어.

A: 어제 월요일이었던 같은데.

B: 바쁠 시간이 빨리가는 같아.


A: Can you believe it's Friday already?

B: Seriously, the week went by in no time.

A: Feels like we just started the week yesterday.

B: Time flies when you're busy, I guess.