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[December 2023] Day 13 Topic : Books

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 18.

[December 2023]
Day 13 Topic : Books
Title : Why Old Books Smell So Good 🤔
Link : https://youtu.be/rcTPwkczyUM?si=vLGAqTxq5QRPDgjC


  1. Script
    "Have you ever wondered why an old book smells so good? The smell is usually musty and earthy, and a little bit sweet. And while new books can smell good too, they just don't compare to an old book. Why is this? Well, as a book ages, the compounds in its paper, glue, and ink break down. This process releases chemicals like vanillin, which smells like vanilla. Other chemicals have grassy, woody, and sometimes even fruity aromas, which is why old books smell so good."

  2. Expression
    • Have you ever wondered: A phrase used to introduce a question that provokes curiosity.
    • The smell is usually musty and earthy: Describes a specific type of scent commonly associated with old objects.
    • A little bit sweet: Indicates a mild but noticeable pleasant aspect of a smell.
    • They just don't compare: Suggests that one thing is significantly better or more appealing than another.
    • As a book ages: Refers to the process of something becoming older.
    • Compounds in its paper, glue, and ink break down: Describes the chemical process occurring in book materials over time.
    • Releases chemicals like vanillin: Indicates the process of emitting substances with distinct smells.
    • Grassy, woody, and sometimes even fruity aromas: Specifies different types of scents.

  3. My Story
    "I've always been captivated by the musty, earthy, and a little bit sweet smell of old books. Whenever I open one, it's like a delightful journey. The scent comes from the compounds in the paper, glue, and ink breaking down over time, releasing chemicals like vanillin, which smells like vanilla. This process also brings out grassy, woody, and sometimes fruity aromas. It's fascinating, and for me, no new book's scent can quite compare to the charm of an aged book."