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[December 2023] Day 15 Topic : Health

by Wagzakk 2023. 12. 20.

[December 2023]
Day 15 Topic : Health
Title : @DoctorMike Exposes the Shady Practices Used in The Health Insurance Industry
Link : https://youtu.be/q9gVO7sP2HY?si=37-jGnla_uQ2KDXA


  1. Script
    If a patient comes in and they tell me they fell and I write that in the chart, "patient fell while at work," their health insurance might deny that claim and say, "What do you mean they fell at work? You said in your note that means workers' compensation has to cover it, not us." The same thing will happen with a car accident. A patient will come to see me, they'll say, "My back hurts," but in the note, they'll say, "Oh, I had a car accident four years ago." The insurance will deny it and say, "The auto insurance is supposed to pay for this." So, they all had kicked the bucket on who's supposed to make the payment. Like, you cannot imagine a more broken system, and the fact that it's still somehow works is magical.

  2. Expression
    • Write that in the chart: This refers to recording or documenting information in a patient's medical record.
    • Deny that claim: Refers to an insurance company's refusal to approve a claim for coverage or payment.
    • Kicked the bucket: A colloquial expression meaning to pass away. In this context, it's used metaphorically to describe the abandonment of responsibility.
    • A more broken system: This phrase implies a system that is highly dysfunctional or flawed.
    • Somehow works: Indicates that something functions or succeeds in an unexpected or unlikely manner.

  3. My Story
    Recently, I had a chat with a friend living in the U.S. about health insurance systems. We compared the U.S. system with Korea's. My friend mentioned how a small error in a patient's chart, like writing "fell at work," could lead to a claim being denied. It was a case of passing the buck between different insurers. In Korea, however, the system seemed less complicated and more universal. It's amazing how both systems somehow work, despite their complexities and differences. This conversation really highlighted the varied approaches to healthcare.