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[January 2024] Day 4 Topic : Home

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 7.

[January 2024]
Day 4 Topic : Home
Title :  How to keep your heat on safely during winter weather
Link : https://youtu.be/YETjQAw1lzA?si=4MjbRQFyYLrmCtA_



1.    Script

With temperatures staying below freezing, it's our home heaters that many of us rely on to keep nice and cozy. But there are a few things you need to know and perhaps do to keep that heater running safely. Dana Morris spoke with an HVAC professional for some information that's more important now than ever. He joined us.

Well, Sammy, with temperatures creeping towards single digits and possibly getting even colder over the next couple of days, you really need to have that heater working and keep it that way by not putting too much stress on it. When it gets cold outside, it's natural to want to crank up the heat. But according to HVAC professional Billy Black, that's not what you want to do when it gets this cold. You know our homes are not built for negative temperatures, so don't expect, especially if you live in an older home, to be able to hold at 72-74 when we're negative in the tip. You know if you've got it at 70, 69, you're doing pretty well.

The fact is, our heaters, just like our cars and pretty much any other machine, need maintenance and upkeep to keep them running. And one of the most important and easiest things to do is change your filter. This thing's got to breathe just like me and you. You should replace your air filter regularly, between every 30 and 90 days. But when it gets this cold, being proactive helps. Keep in mind, like during extreme temperatures, this thing is going to run more than ever. So, you know, like Sunday, we're going to be negative, pop a new filter in there. We probably run about four calls a week that we go out and it's just a filter.

So, what do you do if that heater does go out? Turn off the breaker, let it sit five minutes. After doing that, turn it back on. If it still doesn't work at that point, give us a call. Billy Black says having a maintenance agreement can go a long way. That means regular checkups to make sure that old parts are replaced before they go bad. Because be aware, broken heaters can sometimes be very dangerous. Anytime it's running, especially on older ones, they could have the potential of having a cracked heat exchanger which would release carbon dioxide into the airstream of your home.

And I've come inside to make sure the last part of this message hits home. You heard Billy Black there say that at times a broken heater can lead to a carbon monoxide leak. So for you and your family's safety, pick up a carbon monoxide alarm. They don't cost too much. You can get them at any local HVAC specialist, including Billy Black. All you have to do is plug it in, and it will keep you and your family safe in case of an emergency. Reporting in Odessa, Dana Morris, NewsWest 9.


2.    Expression

  • keep nice and cozy: This means to stay warm and comfortable, especially in a home environment.
  • running safely: Operating without risk or danger, typically used for machinery or equipment.
  • creeping towards: Slowly moving or approaching a certain point or condition.
  • crank up the heat: To significantly increase the temperature, often by turning up a heating device.
  • proactive helps: Taking action in advance to prevent potential problems is beneficial.
  • maintenance and upkeep: The process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained.
  • pop a new filter in: Informal way of saying to quickly or easily replace a filter.
  • hits home: To be fully understood and have a strong effect or impact.


3.    My Story
This winter, I'm getting ready early. I learned from a news story that keeping our heaters running safely is important. So, I'm going to be proactive. Instead of waiting for the cold to start creeping towards us, I'll check my heater now. I'll pop a new filter in to make sure it can breathe. I won't crank up the heat too high, just enough to keep the house nice and cozy. Doing this simple maintenance and upkeep makes me feel more prepared for the winter.