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Speaking +

[January 2024] Speaking Plus 13 Fitness center

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 22.

Unit 13


Small talk videos 13




act entitled
put your weights back


얼마전에, 근처 카페에 있었습니다. 거기서 남자가 대단한 사람인냥 행동하는 것을 보았습니다. 마치 그 자리 전세 낸 것처럼 행동했습니다. 5-6인 용 테이블을 혼자서 차지하시고, 큰소리로 전화통화를 했습니다. 결국은 컵과 남은 음식을 그대로 테이블에 두고 나갔습니다. 저는 이해가 안됐습니다.  왜냐하면 저는 물건들을 항상 제자리에 갖다놓고, 앉았던 자리는 다시 정돈하는 스타일이기 때문입니다.

This other day, I was at a nearby café. I noticed a man acting entitled. It was like he owned the place. He occupied a table meant for 5-6 people talking on the phone loudly. He even walked away, leaving his cup and leftovers behind. I couldn’t relate to him because I’m the type of person who always put things back and arrange the chair I sat on.


Sitcom 13


abandoned me 


A: 팀 미팅 때 어디에 있었어? 같이 발표하기로 해놓고 날 버리고 도망갔어!
B: 아, 미안해. 부장님한테 급한 전화가 왔어.
A: 진짜? 문자로는 고객 만나러 가는 거라고 했잖아. 이건 아니다.
B: 내가 잘못했어, 그럴려고 그런건 아닌데. 내가 보상할게. 이번 한 번만 용서해 줄래?

A: Where were you during the team meeting? You abandoned me when we were supposed to present together!
B: Oh, sorry about that. I got an urgent call from the boss.
A: Seriously? You told me you were meeting a client in your text. That’s not cool.
B: My bad, I didn't mean to. I'll make up for it. Can you forgive me this time, please.