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Speaking +

[January 2024] Speaking Plus 11 Dating

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 17.

Unit 11


Small talk videos 11


DON’T Text Her After The Date (Here’s Why!)


4 Clear Signs She'll Break Up With You


the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference
she stops arguing, she doesn't care anymore


한 직장 동료와 예전에는 자주 말다툼을 했었어요. 근데, 우린 상당히 친했고, 자주 함께 어울렸어요. 그런데 문제는 항상 의견이 충돌했어요. 그러나 지금은 상황이 변했습니다. 더 이상 말다툼하지 않게 되었고, 오히려 서로 무관심해졌습니다. 나는 그녀가 말하는 것에 대해 더이상 신경 쓰지 않게 되었어요.

I used to argue a lot with a coworker. Surprisingly, we were quite close and hung out together frequently. The issue was that our opinions always conflicted. However, things have changed now. We’ve stopped arguing; in fact, we've become indifferent to each other. I don't really care about what she says anymore.


Sitcom 11


got through to you


A: "팀 회의에 관한 공지 확인했어?"
B: "그럼, 했지. 근데 일정 변경해야 돼; 다른 미팅이 있어."
A: "걱정 마. 그런데 새 프로젝트에 대한 내 제안은 어떻게 생각해?"
B: "완전 제대로 이해했어. 좀 이따가 커피 마시면서 더 얘기하자."

A: "Did you get the notice about the team meeting?"
B: "Yeah, got it. But we need to reschedule; I've got another meeting."
A: "No worries. By the way, what do you say about my suggestion about the new project?"
B: "You got through to me loud and clear. Let's follow up over coffee a little later."