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[August 2023] Day 15 Topic : Health

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 30.

[August 2023]


Day 15 Topic : Health

Title : Tips for improving your health in 2023 | ABCNL

Link :https://youtu.be/xZabpqkEARk

Time : 01:57~2:51

1. Script
The key thing is that you can love your food to love your health. All of these ingredients, these fat-fighting, metabolism-activating ingredients, are found in recipes that come from the traditional recipes of the Mediterranean and Asian traditions. So, they can taste great and help you fight body fat and improve your metabolism all at the same time. I was just about to say that actually sounds pretty yummy, what you're talking about. So, there's a way to enjoy yourself and lose the weight, get in a little bit better shape. But how do people keep it off? That's always been the problem with diets. People commit in January, February, and by May and June, it's a different story. Yeah, the best way you can actually keep off weight is to get onto a dietary pattern that you can stick with. But even if you go up and down, there's still benefits to do it. So keep it up and make sure you love your food to love your health.

2. Expression
Get in better shape
Keep it off
Get onto
Keep it up

3. My story
I decided to start getting in better shape by making some changes to my diet and exercise routine. It's not easy to keep it off, especially with all the tempting snacks around, but I'm determined. I'm trying to get onto a healthier eating pattern, focusing on more vegetables and lean protein. Some days it's tough, but I'm keeping it up because I know it'll be worth it in the long run. So far, I've found that when I enjoy what I eat, it's easier to stay committed to my health goals.