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[August 2023] Day 17 Topic : Repairs

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 30.

[August 2023]


Day 17 Topic : Repairs

Title : If Car Repairs Shops Were Honest

Link : https://youtube.com/shorts/mVaGfz4xrno?feature=share

Time : 00:00~

1. Script
Hi how can we ruin you financially, I mean help you with your car today.
Uh yeah I just need to fix a hole in my tire.
Ah that'll be an easy fix. Just give me your keys and we'll be right out.
All right sir. Here's your keys and we fixed nothing.
Couldn't get around to it. But we did find some far more expensive things to fix instead.
While you're looking at other portions of my car, you're only supposed to fix the tire.
You're welcome sir. Anyways you're probably gonna need a new timing belt, a camshaft, a catalytic converter.
I don't know what any of those are.
Yes we are counting on that sir.
So how do I know you're not just making it all up to get me to pay for it.
Yes you'll never know. Anyways just meet us back here tomorrow with a full wallet and uh good luck driving home on your two flat tires.
What? I only have one flat tire 
Not anymore.
All right sir. Thanks for waiting the entire day again. Your car should be good to go. Don't take my word for it.
How much were the repairs.
Looks like the total came out to... You sure you don't want a new car.
Seven thousands dollars.
What? But you qouted me for like two grand.
This is unbelievable. Did you even fix my flat tire.

2. Expression
Counting on
making it all up
Take my word

3. My story
I decided to give interior designing a shot for my home. I was really counting on transforming the place and making it all up as I went along. At first, I thought I could handle it all and take my word for it, but things didn't turn out as planned. In the end, my DIY attempt became a disaster. It was a real eye-opener – the furniture didn't fit, the colors clashed, and nothing looked cohesive. Lesson learned: next time, I'm definitely seeking professional help for a successful makeover.