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[August 2023] Day 16 Topic : Housework

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 30.

[August 2023]


Day 16 Topic : Housework

Title : Dyson gives glimpse of secret robot prototypes which appear to carry out household chores

Link : https://youtu.be/2Bh61aY8ncg

Time : 00:00~00:38

1. Script
British manufacturer Dyson has announced that it is supercharging its robotics ambitions by developing home robots and building the UK's largest robotics research center. At the international conference on robotics and automation, the tech company gave a glimpse of its secret robot prototypes that carry out household chores. Set to be on the market by 2030, the company envisions that the robots will save people time and improve lives. Best known for its vacuum cleaners, Dyson recently released images along with a video of their robots carrying out domestic tasks such as cleaning, hoovering, and tidying.

2. Expression
Give a glimpse
Carry out 
Household chores /Domestic tasks
Set to be on the market
Along with 

3. My story
I saw an ad and decided to buy some home appliances. They really make doing household chores and domestic tasks much easier. The ad gave a glimpse of how these appliances can carry out various tasks, and they're set to be on the market soon. I got a vacuum cleaner, which will help with cleaning, along with a few other gadgets. It's nice to have some help around the house!