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[September 2023] Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[September 2023]


Day 5 Topic : Studying Abroad

Title : a very realistic day studying abroad in sydney, australia

Link : https://youtu.be/PCE1Psmm1Hg?si=TGegT6kp22xfxTdj

Time : 00:00~00:41

1. Script
Welcome to a very realistic day in my life studying abroad in Sydney, Australia. I woke up at around 7:30 a.m. and headed to the gym for a quick workout – hitting the bench, so I'm proud of that. Then, I was craving a side bowl, so I took a 15-minute bus ride to Koji Beach and got my favorite acai bowl from Melonhead while people-watching, which was the perfect start to the day. I then headed to campus for a packed day of classes from 12 to 2. Office hours for my stupidly hard computer science assignment from 2 to 4 p.m. Then back to my final class from 4 to 6 p.m. The sun was already setting as I left campus, which was a bummer. And I spent the rest of the night trying to do work, but mostly watching Netflix. Very real.

2. Expression
I was craving a side bowl
which was the perfect start to the day
I then headed to campus for a packed day

3. My story
These days, I usually wake up around 5 o'clock and get ready. I'm attending an English academy in the morning. Starting the day in the early morning feels like toughening me up every day. However, waking up early in the morning is tiring, so I'm always craving coffee. I need coffee to wake up my brain. After attending classes, I head to the office to work for a packed day. After working all day, I leave the office around 6 pm. After work, I usually go play tennis about 3 to 4 times a week. That's my current daily routine.