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[September 2023] Day 3 Topic : Festival

by Wagzakk 2023. 10. 31.

[September 2023]


Day 3 Topic : Festival

Title : Korean Thanksgiving Day, 추석 is here!

Link : https://youtu.be/4ZS3SeuZcOA?si=v9YL-K7q5jrfSNG-

Time : 00:00~00:41

1. Script
Hi everyone, this is Korean Only in Korea. Now, one of Korea's three major holidays is approaching – what is Chuseok? Chuseok is the Korean version of Thanksgiving and is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month according to the lunar calendar. The exact day changes each year, but it's typically in September and October. This year, it will be on the 21st of September. Usually, Korea has a three-day holiday for Chuseok, but this year it will be a five-day holiday since the Chuseok holiday is followed by the weekend. In today's video, we're going to have a brief look at what Chuseok is and some words and culture related to Chuseok.

2. Expression
holidays is approaching
holiday is followed by the weekend
be going to have a brief look at

3. My story
The holidays are just around the corner, as Chuseok, one of Korea's major holidays, is fast approaching. What's even better is that there's another holiday right after the weekend, allowing us to have a continuous six-day break. I'm going to have a brief look at the government's recent announcement that they have announced the designation of the day in between as a temporary public holiday. This is fantastic news, and I can't wait to relax and make the most of this extended holiday as soon as possible.