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Speaking +

[August 2023] Speaking Plus 6 Hospitals

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 6


Small talk videos 1


Best way to deal with your mosquito bites

mosquito bites


scratch a mosquito bite

end up making it itch more


어젯밤 군데 모기를 물렸어요. 엄청 가려웠어요. 처음에는 긁지 않으려고 했어요. 근데 포기하고, 한군데를 긁어 버렸어요. 잠깐 나아졌지만, 결국 간지러워졌어요. 독하게 버텼어야 했는데. 물파스 제품을 바르니까 도움이 되었어요.


I got some mosquito bites last night. They itched a lot. At first, I tried to resist scratching them. Then I gave up and scratched one. It felt better for a moment, but it ended up itching more. I should’ve stayed strong. I put on a itch relief product and it helped.


Small talk videos 2


Don’t Ice a Sprained Ankle 





출근이 늦어져서 서둘러 계단을 내려갔지만 헛디뎌서, 세게 넘어졌어요. 발목을 삐어서 부어오르기 시작했어요. 고통스러웠고 너무 아팠어요. 상황을 설명하기 위해 과장님께 전화를 걸었어요. 다행히 이해해주시고 천천히 오라 하셨습니다.


I was running late for work. I hurried down the stairs but missed a step and fell hard. I sprained my ankle and it started swelling. It was painful and hurt a lot. I called my boss to explain the situation. Luckily, he was understanding and told me to take it easy.



Sitcom 6


make things right


A: 우리 프레젠테이션에서 오타를 찾았어.

B: 미안. 최대한 빨리 수정해서 다시 보내줄게.

A: 걱정마. 실수할 있지. 즉시 바로 잡으면 되지.

B: 그렇지. 이해 줘서 고마워. 다음에 모든 것을 두번 확인할게.


A: I found some typos in our presentation.

B: My bad. I'll fix them and resend it ASAP.

A: No worries, mistakes happen. We can just make things right right away.

B: Definitely! Thanks for understanding! I’ll double-check everything next time.