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Speaking +

[August 2023] Speaking Plus 7 Shopping

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 7


Small talk videos 1


Online Shopping Tips

get that feeling

keeps you in control of

There is no need to-v


회의가 다가오면서, 나는 그것이 내게 매우 중요하게 것이라는 느낌을 받았다. 그것이 내가 업무들을 이끌어가게 해주었다. 팀원들이 서로를 지원해주기 때문에 불안해할 필요가 없었다.


As the meeting was coming, I got the feeling that it was going to be so important for me. That kept me in control of my tasks. There was no need to stress because every team member had each other's back. 


Small talk videos 2


Delivering With Uber Eats | Uber Eats

helpful notes from the business

get an alert

left a note in the app


배달 앱으로 야식을 주문했다. 나는 양많이를 요청하는 메모를 남겼다. 20분이 안돼, 음식이 도착했다는 알림을 받았다. 나는 양에 놀랐다. 음식은 맛이 훌륭했다. 앱에 긍정적인 리뷰를 남겼다.


I ordered some midnight snack on a delivery app. I left a note requesting a bigger portion. No later than 20 minutes, I got an alert that my food had arrived. I was surprised at the large serving. The food tasted fantastic. I left a positive review on the app.



Sitcom 7


Sitting next to each other


A: , 오랜만이다! 어떻게 지냈어?

B: 지냈어, 그냥 바쁘지 . 어때?

A: 나도 똑같아, 하루 하루 바쁘지. 여긴 어쩐일이야?

B: 밀린 하는 중이야. 근데, 우리 언제 한번 먹고 밀린 얘기도 해야지.

B: 당연하지! 바로 옆에 앉아서 일하던 때가 그립다 .


A: Hey, it's been a while! How have you been?

B: I've been good, just busy. How about You?

A: Same here, hectic days. What brought you here?

B: Just catching up on some work. By the way, we should grab lunch and catch up sometime.

B: Definitely! I miss the days when we used to work sitting next to each other.