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Speaking +

[September 2023] Speaking Plus 5 Studying Abroad

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 1.

Unit 5


Small talk videos 1


How to understand native speakers' questions in English

native speaker

people from all over the world


speak very quickly


영어 수업에서는 원어민 선생님이 가르쳤습니다. 세계 각국에서 사람들로 교실이꽉 찼습니다. 선생님은 아주 빨리 말하셨는데, 그것이 겁이 나게 했습니다. 정말, 처음에는 이해하고 따라가기가 어려웠습니다. 그런데 시간이 지나면서 편안해지고 자신감도 생겼습니다.


In my English class, we had a native speaker as our teacher. People from all over the world filled the room. The teacher spoke very quickly, which was intimidating. Seriously, it was a struggle to understand and keep up at first. But over time, I felt more and more comfortable and my confidence grew.




Small talk videos 2


practice saying these phrases


문장을 소리로 말하며 발음을 연습했습니다. 처음에는 어색하게 느껴졌지만 계속하면서 편안해졌습니다. 실수가 잦았고, 어색한 발음에 웃음이 나오기도 했습니다. 실력이 안들어 답답하기도 했지만, 꾸준히 연습하면 시간이 지나면서 영어가 것이라고 자꾸 생각했습니다.


I practiced pronunciation by saying phrases aloud. At first, it felt awkward, but as I continued, I felt more comfortable. Mistakes were frequent, and I found myself chuckling at my awkward pronunciation. It was frustrating how slowly I made progress. But I reminded myself that regular practice will improve my English over time.



Sitcom 5


Have a crush on someone


A: 믿겠지만, 짝사랑 하는 사람있어.

B: 말도안돼! 말해봐!

A: 회사에서 함께 일하는 남자야. 그가 근처에 있으면 아무말도 못하겠어.

B: 귀여워! 얘기는 해봤어?

A: 아직. 바보될까 겁나.

B: 걱정 ; 말을 용기를 내게 될거야. 행운을 빈다


A: You won't believe it, but I have a crush on someone.

B: No way! Tell me everything!

A: It's the guy I work with. Whenever he's around, I'm speechless.

B: That's adorable! Have you tried talking to him?

A: Not yet. I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself.

B: Don't worry; you'll find the courage to talk to him. Good luck!