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Speaking +

[October 2023] Speaking Plus 11 TV shows

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 2.

Unit 11

Small talk videos 1
Netflix Makes Cleopatra Black?

curly hair
don't care what

영화보러 갔습니다. 인터넷에서 상반된 후기들을 봤지만, 나는 사람들이 말하는 것을 신경 안썼습니다. 단지 예고편 때문에 기대를 했습니다. 영화를 보고 나서, 많은 사람들이 좋게 얘기를 했는지 깨달었습니다.  
I went to the movies. I had read mixed reviews online but I didn’t care what they said. I just looked forward to the movie because of its trailer. After I finished the film, I realized why many said bad things about it.

Small talk videos 2

pity black people
그녀는 프랜차이즈 커피 숍을 열었고 사람들로 북적이었습니다. 그래서 직원을 고용했지만, 직원은 업무에 부담을 느꼈다. 안쓰럽게 느꼈지만, 수지타산을 위해 많은 직원을 고용할 여력이 없었습니다.

She opened a franchise coffee shop and it got busy. So, she hired an employee to help her. However, he felt overwhelmed by the workload. She pitied him but couldn’t afford to hire more staff to make ends meet.

Sitcom 11
getting back to the office took us three hours
A: 오셨네요. 출장 어떠셨어요?
B: 잘 됐어요. 그런데 교통 때문에 사무실로 돌아오는 데 한 시간 걸렸어요.
A: 에고 어떻해ㅠㅠ. 그래도 무사히 돌아오셔서 다행이에요. 다시 보니 좋네요.
B: 그럼요.
A: Welcome back! How was your business trip?
B: It went well, but getting back to the office took us an hour due to the traffic.
A: That's too bad, but at least you're back safe. Good to have you back.
B: Absolutely.