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[November 2023] Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center

by Wagzakk 2023. 11. 17.

[November 2023]
Day 13 Topic : Fitness Center
Title : Beginner Workout Routine for Students
Link : https://youtu.be/Tl3ue_d4Y6g?si=i5GC5wuQPv3ELCEJ

You arm wrestle your friend during lunch, and he destroys you. Here's the lifting routine you use to get more fit: one day, my friend said he wanted to eat better and start exercising more. So I suggested that we start working out together. He agreed, and we pulled out our laptops, went to Google, and found a beginner workout routine. On Monday, we marched into the gym and focused on chest, shoulders, and triceps. On Wednesday, we worked on back and biceps. On Friday, we reluctantly exercised our legs. We gradually increased our workouts from three days a week to six days a week. The full routine is available in my Discord.
2. Expression
Eat better and start exercising more
Working out
Hit [body part]
3. My story
To boost my fitness, I decided to eat better and start exercising more. Twice a week, I take tennis lessons, working out both my mind and body. Each session, I hit forehands and backhands, really focusing on my arm muscles. On weekends, I play tennis games with others, improving my skills and stamina. It's not just exercise; it's becoming a part of my lifestyle, and I love it!