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[January 2024] Day 1 Topic : Beach

by Wagzakk 2024. 1. 5.

[January 2024]
Day 1 Topic : Beach
Title :  Hidden LAGOON of Railay THAILAND 🇹🇭 Sa Phra Nang (Princess Lagoon)
Link : https://youtu.be/jOIhmSmhrO8?si=MqgjgzLTOcYmkWa4


1.    Script
We're in southern Thailand today, exploring Railay Peninsula north of Krabi. You can take a boat here from Krabi for a hundred baht per person. It's about a 15-minute ride, and there's a lagoon, rock climbing, caves, and some beautiful beaches. So, let's see what kind of trouble we can get into in Railay today. Heading to this viewpoint now, I guess you can see the lagoon. Not sure if you can drop down to the lagoon from this viewpoint, it's pretty much straight up. I got some fixed ropes here, pretty cool. This is pretty awesome. It's like we've got to the lagoon here, and it's another big drop down over there. There are fixed ropes, but not sure how big of a drop it is. Let's go check it out. So it looks like indeed there are ropes going all the way down to the lagoon. It's still a little bit tricky though. So some fix rope rappelling to get down here, but once you're down here, absolutely beautiful. And I've heard there's actually a trail that you can come from the beach as well. So we're going to try and find that and exit out that trail, probably through a cave to get to the beach and then hike back around. So across the other side of the lagoon here, and there's no trail to the beach. There might be one below this cave that I just climbed up to, but the water is too high to go through. So pretty beautiful clay cave on this other side that looks for passageways in here. I didn't see any, so it's like the only way to get to the beaches at low tide. Just exploring this little karst island right off of Railay beach here, and beautiful formations. The tide is really low right now, so you can walk. It's only like knee-deep, ankle-deep from Railay beach right over to this beautiful karst. Infamous.


2.    Expression

        It's about a 15-minute ride: This phrase means the travel time to a destination is roughly 15 minutes.

        Get into: In this context, it means to start or become involved in an activity or situation.

        Check it out: This expression is used to suggest looking at or examining something with interest.


3.    My Story
Last year, during the holiday season, I went on a vacation to Krabi. It was an exciting trip. One of the best parts was visiting Railay Beach. To get there, I took a short boat ride, about 15 minutes, and the views were amazing. The beach was beautiful with clear water and soft sand. I also explored Phra Nang Lagoon. The lagoon was surrounded by tall cliffs and had calm, clear water. It was so peaceful and pretty there. I spent time just enjoying the nature. This trip to Krabi and seeing places like Railay Beach and Phra Nang Lagoon made my holiday really special and unforgettable.